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Aprilia GPR 150 vs AtlasZongshen ZS125 68 features comparison

Aprilia GPR 150 vs AtlasZongshen ZS125 68: Aprilia GPR 150 is priced at Tk 300000 while AtlasZongshen ZS125 68 is the cheaper one priced at Tk 105000. AtlasZongshen ZS125 68 is the more fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 65 kmpl while the claimed figure for Aprilia GPR 150 is 45 Kmpl.

Aprilia GPR 150

AtlasZongshen ZS125 68

Bike Information
User Ratings
8.0 / 10

0 / 10
Name Aprilia GPR 150 AtlasZongshen ZS125 68
Brand Aprilia Atlas Zongshen
Brand Origin Bangladesh
Made/Assemble in China
CC 149 124.9
Price Tk 300000 Tk 105000
Engine Type 4-Stroke, Liquid-Cooled, DOHC, Single Cylinder Air Cooled , 4 Stroke Single Cylinder OHC
MaxPower 18 hp@ 9750 rpm 8.0 KW @ 8500 rpm
MaxTorque 14 NM @ 7500 rpm 9.2 Nm @7000 rpm
Mileage (Company) * 45 kmpl 65 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 40 kmpl +/- 35 kmpl
Top Speed * 0 kmph 90 kmph
Gears 6 5
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic Forks USD, Monoshock Telescopic, Twin-Spring loaded
Brakes (F/R) Disc -300 mm, Disc – 218 mm Disc, Drum
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 100/80-17 Tubeless, 130/70-17 Tubeless 2.75-18, 3.25-17
Weight 140 Kg 122 Kg
Seat Height 810mm mm
Fuel Tank 15.4 Liter 17 Liter
Good Sides
Bad Sides
Services - Engine Warranty 5 Years
- 6 times free service
Showrooms / Dealers: 0 0
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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