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Runner Bullet vs Bajaj Discover 110 Disc features comparison

Runner Bullet vs Bajaj Discover 110 Disc: Runner Bullet is priced at Tk 102000 while Bajaj Discover 110 Disc is the costlier one priced at Tk 153500. Runner Bullet brand origin is Bangladesh and Bajaj Discover 110 Disc brand origin is India. Bajaj Discover 110 Disc is the more fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 82 kmpl while the claimed figure for Runner Bullet is 60 Kmpl.

Runner Bullet

Bajaj Discover 110 Disc

Bike Information
User Ratings
8.0 / 10

8.8 / 10
Name Runner Bullet Bajaj Discover 110 Disc
Brand Runner Bajaj
Brand Origin Bangladesh India
Made/Assemble in Bangladesh Bangladesh
CC 100.54 115.5
Price Tk 102000 Tk 153500
Engine Type Single Cylinder, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled, Petrol Engine Single Cylinder, 4-Stroke
MaxPower 4.8 kw @ 7500 rpm 8.46 bhp @ 7000 rpm
MaxTorque 7 N.m @ 5500 rpm 9.81 Nm @ 5000 rpm
Mileage (Company) * 60 kmpl 82 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 50 kmpl +/- 55 kmpl
Top Speed * 100 kmph 0 kmph
Gears 4 4
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic, Coil spring Hydraulic Telescopic, Nitrox (Gas filled)
Brakes (F/R) Disc, Drum Disc, Drum
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 2.75/18, 3.25/18 2.75 x 17, 3.00 x 17
Weight 121.5 Kg 120 Kg
Seat Height mm 805mm
Fuel Tank 14 Liter Liter
Good Sides - Stylish look
- Powerful engine
- Comfortable for ride
- Strong build quality
- Easy to control
Bad Sides - Tyre skids
- Vibration at high speed
Services 6 Years Warranty
9 Free Services
1 Lakh Taka Insurance Facility
- 2 Years warranty
- 4 free services
Showrooms / Dealers: 160 517
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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