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Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS vs Hero Pleasure 2017 features comparison

Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS vs Hero Pleasure 2017: Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS is priced at Tk 212000 while Hero Pleasure 2017 is the cheaper one priced at Tk 135000. Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS brand origin is Japan and Hero Pleasure 2017 brand origin is India. Hero Pleasure 2017 is the more fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 60 kmpl while the claimed figure for Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS is 50 Kmpl.

Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS

Hero Pleasure 2017

Bike Information
User Ratings
8.7 / 10

0 / 10
Name Honda CB Hornet 160R CBS Hero Pleasure 2017
Brand Honda Hero
Brand Origin Japan India
Made/Assemble in India Bangladesh
CC 162.71 102
Price Tk 212000 Tk 135000
Engine Type Single Cylinder, 4 Stroke, SI Engine Air-cooled, 4-stroke Single Cylinder OHC
MaxPower 15.09 PS @ 8500 rpm 6.9 BHP @ 7000rpm
MaxTorque 14.5 Nm @ 6500 rpm 8.1 Nm @ 5000rpm
Mileage (Company) * 50 kmpl 60 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 45 kmpl +/- 0 kmpl
Top Speed * 115 kmph 77 kmph
Gears 5 CVT
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic, Monoshock Bottom Link, Unit Swing
Brakes (F/R) Disc, Disc with CBS Shoe Type, Shoe Type
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 100/80 - 17 Tubeless, 140/70 - 17 Tubeless 90/100 x 10 - 53 J , 90/100 x 10 - 53 J
Weight 138 Kg 100 Kg
Seat Height mm mm
Fuel Tank 12 Liter 5 Liter
Good Sides
Bad Sides
Services - 2 Years warranty
- 4 free services
- 3 Paid services with discount
- 5 Years warranty
- 4 free services
Showrooms / Dealers: 0 262
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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