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Honda X Blade vs Benda Eagle 125cc features comparison

Honda X Blade vs Benda Eagle 125cc: Honda X Blade is priced at Tk 195000 while Benda Eagle 125cc is the cheaper one priced at Tk 0. Honda X Blade brand origin is Japan and Benda Eagle 125cc brand origin is China. Benda Eagle 125cc is the less fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 0 kmpl while the claimed figure for Honda X Blade is 59 Kmpl.

Honda X Blade

Benda Eagle 125cc

Bike Information
User Ratings
8.8 / 10

0 / 10
Name Honda X Blade Benda Eagle 125cc
Brand Honda Benda
Brand Origin Japan China
Made/Assemble in Bangladesh China
CC 162.71 125
Price Tk 195000 Tk 0
Engine Type Single-cylinder, air-cooled engine 125cc / 2 cylinder
MaxPower 13.93 bhp @ 8,500 rpm
MaxTorque 13.9 Nm @ 6,000 rpm
Mileage (Company) * 59 kmpl 0 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 45 kmpl +/- 0 kmpl
Top Speed * 0 kmph 0 kmph
Gears 5 5
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic, Telescopic USD, Double tubular arm
Brakes (F/R) Disc, Drum Disc CBS,
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 80/100-17 Tubeless, 130/70-17 Tubeless ,
Weight 140 Kg Kg
Seat Height mm mm
Fuel Tank 12 Liter Liter
Good Sides
Bad Sides
Services - 2 Years warranty
- 4 free services
- 3 Paid services with discount
Showrooms / Dealers: 0 0
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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