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TVS Stryker vs Haojue TZ features comparison

TVS Stryker vs Haojue TZ: TVS Stryker is priced at Tk 144999 while Haojue TZ is the cheaper one priced at Tk 0. TVS Stryker brand origin is India and Haojue TZ brand origin is China. Haojue TZ is the less fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 60 kmpl while the claimed figure for TVS Stryker is 67 Kmpl.

TVS Stryker

Haojue TZ

Bike Information
User Ratings
7.8 / 10

0 / 10
Name TVS Stryker Haojue TZ
Brand TVS Haojue
Brand Origin India China
Made/Assemble in Bangladesh China
CC 125 135
Price Tk 144999 Tk 0
Engine Type single cylinder , 4 stroke, air cooled spark ignition engine Air-cooled, 4 stroke, Single Cylinder
MaxPower 11 bhp @ 8000 rpm 7.8 KW @ 8000rpm
MaxTorque 10.8 Nm @ 5500 rpm 10.2 Nm @ 6500rpm
Mileage (Company) * 67 kmpl 60 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 49 kmpl +/- 35 kmpl
Top Speed * 100 kmph 100 kmph
Gears 4 5
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic, Toggle link with hydraulic damper Telescopic, Twin shocks
Brakes (F/R) Disc, Drum Disc, Drum
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 2.75*17, 90/90*17 2.75-18, 3.50-16
Weight 117 Kg 128 Kg
Seat Height mm 745mm
Fuel Tank Liter 9 Liter
Good Sides 1. Design and build quality is very good.
2. Wide and comfortable sitting psoition.
3. Powerful engine and comfortable for long journey.
4. Controlling and braking system is very good.
5. Maintenance cost is low.
Bad Sides 1. Mileage is not satisfactory.
2. Chain set gets loose quickly
3. Vibrates on high speed.
4. Weight distribution is not perfect.
Services - 2 Years warranty
- 8 free services
- 1 Years warranty
- 4 free services
Showrooms / Dealers: 517 60
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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