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Yamaha R15 S vs UM Xtreet 150cc features comparison

Yamaha R15 S vs UM Xtreet 150cc: Yamaha R15 S is priced at Tk 0 while UM Xtreet 150cc is the costlier one priced at Tk 185000. UM Xtreet 150cc is the fuel efficient one with a claimed mileage of 45 kmpl while the claimed figure for Yamaha R15 S is 45 Kmpl.

Yamaha R15 S

UM Xtreet 150cc

Bike Information
User Ratings
8.0 / 10

0 / 10
Name Yamaha R15 S UM Xtreet 150cc
Brand Yamaha UM
Brand Origin Japan
Made/Assemble in India
CC 149.8 150cc
Price Tk 0 Tk 185000
Engine Type 4 Stroke 4 ValveSOHC 1 Cylinder, 4 Stroke
MaxPower 16.8 bhp @ 8500 rpm
MaxTorque 15 Nm @ 7500 rpm
Mileage (Company) * 45 kmpl 45 kmpl
Mileage (User)* +/- 35 kmpl +/- kmpl
Top Speed * 130 kmph 0 kmph
Gears 6 5-speed
Suspensions (F/R) Telescopic forks, linked Type Monocross ,
Brakes (F/R) Disc, Disc Disc, Disc
Wheels & Tires
Tires (F/R) 90/80-17, 130/70- R17 ,
Weight 134 Kg 120kg Kg
Seat Height 800mm mm
Fuel Tank 12 Liter 16L Liter
Good Sides
Bad Sides
Services - 1 Year warranty
- 4 free services
Showrooms / Dealers: 0 14
Full Features Click Here for full specs Click Here for full specs
* Real value may vary
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