We all know that we can fulfill our dream by purchasing the bike of our choice through City bank Bike Loan. Many people want to know what are the conditions and documents required to take this City bank bike loan. So your all queries reply are given below.
Conditions of City Bank Bike Loan-Loan amount is up to TK 10,00,000. In this case you will be able to receive 80% of the amount with registration fee. (For women you can get 100% money including registration fee)
-Installment period is from 6 to 36 months
-Special installment and processing fees for women are absolutely free.
-Opportunity to buy more than one bike
-90% loan against City bank FDR
-Age range 21-65 years
Minimal Experience-1 year for salaried person
-1 year for business, freelancer and professional
-6 months for Ride Sharing persons
-6 months for foreign remittance earner
Minimum Income-TK 12,000/- for City Bank Staff Salary Officer.
-TK 15,000 for a salaried officer receiving money in an account.
-TK 20,000 for a salaried officer receiving cash.
-TK 25,000 for businessman, professional, landlord/homeowner.
-TK 30,000 for a freelancer.
-TK 15,000 for ride sharing person.
-TK 20,000 for foreign remittance earner.
Required Documents for City Bank bike loan Applicable to Everyone -NID Copy
-E-TIN certificate copy
-Copy lab print photo of the applicant
-2 photocopies of 2 guarantors (with the signature of buyer and guarantor)
-Applicable to Employees
-Original Certificate of Salary/Pay-Slip
-3 months bank statement for account pay or partial account pay employees, 6 months bank statement, and cash -vouchers for cash paid employees.
-Photocopy of a business card or office ID
Applicable to Businessman-Copy of recent trade license
-Document of partnership (if there is a partner) Certificate of registration with Forms 10, 12, and 117 (if limited company)
-6 months original bank statement
-Business card
-Applicable to land/shop / flat owner
-6 months original bank statement
-Proof of Ownership Paper (Document Copy/Utility Bill Copy or DCR Copy etc.)
-Must have a rental deed on 5 taka stamps.
Applicable to Professionals-6 months original bank statement
-Copy of Professional Certificate
-Income information in private letterhead pad
-Business card
-Applicable to the Rideshare service provider
-Original 6-month statement from Ride-Sharing Service Company
-6-month bank statement or mobile banking statement
-Applicable to Recipient of foreign currency
-Copy of Foreign Currency Receipt (Document copy of at least 3 Foreign Currency Receipts in last 6 months such as -Western Union/MoneyGram/Other etc.) or 5 months Bank Statement in which Foreign Currency is received.
-Remittance passport, visa, work permit copy
-Copy of Remittance Loan Agreement.
Applicable to Freelancer -6 months bank statement
-Copies of 3 recent work orders
-The buyer and the guarantor must be at least permanent residents of the city corporation or municipality area.