Due to this, the newer model bike parts can not be found
Yamaha and Honda reigned the Bangladeshi Motorbikes market in the time of 80 and 90 decades where Yamaha 100, Yamaha Deluxe, Honda 100, Honda CG125, Honda CD80 were in the hearts of the bikers and the most amazing matter is, still now those are seen in the roads. Those bikes parts seems like available in the shop of daily commodities. But now the technology is improving very frequently as like the flow of time changing even sometime companies found themselves in difficulties to cop up with the flow of technology. Each of the time they competing with each other with new model replete with modern features and technology and presenting it to the customers to attract them finely. Meanwhile, customers always looking for better advantage even all available new features in their motorcycle which creating the demand of ultra modern motorbikes. Later the problem we have noticed that less availability of the spare parts often the much needed the service for the new models. Maximum of the bikers made this complain very often but what is the actual reason for this uncertainty?
- 2 or 4 years is the golden period of a new bike where any parts are hardly needed and for this reason, parts are imported less in quantity even no.
- Those brands which change their models very frequently, it is very common for those brands to don't have the parts easily. Why because, once a model discontinued its flow, its parts and others necessary equipment losses its supply same time.
- If the brand is new then very normally people fall in trouble to have the expected parts of the motorbike and the reason is, the company often have to take time to measure the exact parts that needed for their customers.
- When the model is not so reputed then another problem occur and it is the availability of the parts. As the model is rare then same matter will be seen in the term of parts as well. Which cost a biker to collect those from different source.
- Even the parts sellers keep the parts that are well known and mostly needed. They actually hardly willing keep the parts of unknown model/brand bikes.
So, this could be the key reason by which a biker face harassment while searching his bikes parts. By considering this all, company should take the actual steps to reduce the harassment of the bikers while they representing a bike in the market.