Hero Passion Xpro Xtech test ride event held on Monday 18th July 2022 at Nowhata High School ground near Rajshahi city. The event was conducted in collaboration with Hero's authorized dealer Paradise Motors located in Rajshahi and the test ride event was organized by the officials of Niloy Hero Bangladesh.
Hero Passion Xpro Xtech test ride event was decorated with the attendance of Sales and Marketing Manager of Niloy Hero Bangladesh Mr. Choton Pal, Territory Manager Mr. Azizur Rahman, Niloy Hero officials posted in Rajshahi, Team Motorcycle Valley and all bike lovers of that area.
Hero Passion Xpro Xtech is a bike with latest technology that Hero has recently introduced in their market. This bike has beautiful design, full digital meter with smart connectivity, IBS braking system, I3s technology, comfortable seating position and all the features.
This test ride event will be held nationwide by turns so if you want to test ride the new bike Hero Passion Xpro Xtech bike then keep an eye on Motorcycle Valley website and Hero official Facebook page.
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