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Honda is going to start motorcycle production in Bangladesh


Honda is going to start motorcycle production in Bangladesh


One of the world class motorbike brand Honda on the way to build a factory in Bangladesh. Recently they have started the process to build a factory in Gozaria of Munshiganj on the spot of “Abdul Momen Economic Zone”. The building of this factory is going to start on today (05.11.2017) with present of Finance minister “Abul Mal Abdul Muhit” and Industrial minister “Amir Hossain Amu”.

From the very next year Honda is coming in produce in this factory. This is good to say that, Honda is the world largest motorbike producer company. Besides motorbike this company has so many product as like Car, Robot, Electricity and Fuel equipment as well as Air vehicles products.

Previously this company has worked in Gazipur in a short range in which 30% of share holder was “Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation” (BSEC) and same amount they are going to hold in the new factory as well.

This is very amazing for this brand that, still now many of the people of our country know motorbikes as the name of “Honda” Person associated with this project hopefully said that, Honda will increase their production as the range is normally high of this factory. Same time, this will be useful source for the government for revenue income as the part and others materials are going to available from here, prices are going to reduce they hopefully stated.

- Total area: 25 acre
- Total invest: 4,40,0000 US Dollar.
- In the joint investment, partnership of Honda is 70% and 30% of BSEC.
- In the starting year they are aim to gain 1 Lakh bikes.
- Honda is ranked in top to produce bikes.
- Motorbikes market has increased in the last and sold almost 2 lakhs of bike in the last year.

As we have information from the “Japan External Trade Organization” (JETRO) they inform us that total 245 Japanese company have invested in our country and most of them in the sectors of Telecommunication, Fertilizer, Ready made Garments, Electricity and Chemical sectors. This organization also express some positive words about their good business. They further said that, 67% of Japanese company which are making their business in the Bangladesh thinks that, this year they are going to make a better business then the last year and the most amazing matter is, Bangladesh is in the top among the Asia and Pacific 19 countries.

By the whole statement of this report we can expect that in the near future bikes are going to be easier then ever it was as the brand like Honda is coming to invest in our country.

At the same time, this will be a new sun rise in the bike market as well as for the bike lovers.

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