Actually I did not like bike from my childhood, suddenly after my SSC exam I ride a bike for the first time. And all of a sudden I started to love bike and this love made me a biker that was totally unaccepted and I do not even want to be a rider. So I felt a need of bike and decided to buy a bike. There are many bikes but I do not know why I want Yamaha FZS even I do not know this today. I am a student and only one son of my parents and it was very difficult to me to convince my parents to buy me a bike. It was a big challenge to me. But I was always gentle with my parents. In 2015 I have finished my HSC exam and started searching my dream bike FZS but it was really hard to get one at that time in Dhaka, Karnafuli also stopped import bike at that time. The market is full of other bikes but I only want to buy FZS. I have searched for almost one month in Iskaton-Kakrail-Bongshal, but there were no bikes. And I watched some 2nd bikes but the price was so high according to the conditions. So I started to wait as I only want to buy FZS. And even I forgotten about bike and taken admission in North South University but again I feel that I really need a bike. Almost 1 year have passed like this. Then ACI started to import Yamaha FZS V2 so again I convince my parents and started to dream about bike. Every night is like a month for me. Then on 4th May 2017 I bought my Yamaha FZS Fi V2 Hurricane Grey, my first bike and started my journey. Today I have passed 1 year and 5 days with this bike. I have ridden 10000 km I hope my review will be helpful.

Acceleration: According to my opinion the acceleration is very smooth and awesome to me. The raw power of this bike is less than other 150cc bike but it can reach 0-100 km/h very easily. But at present I am using laser iridium this will not increase top speed but that lessen the vibration and the acceleration is more smooth now. Which is very good for overtaking and increase my confidence level.

Braking, balance and controlling: Combination of Disk and drum brake make the braking system awesome. There is no doubt that this is the best balanced and controlled bike in all the 150cc bikes in Bangladesh. The bike do not skid easily on sand or mud for the wide wheel and I have saved many times from very bad situations for well balance and braking of this bike. This is one of the reasons for buying this bike for such high price.
Sitting position: this is called the actual perfect sitting position. The back seat is separated so this provide more comfort without pressure with a passenger.
Suspensions: this is the best mono sock suspension and I never found such smooth suspension in any other bike. The best performance is found on the rough roads of this suspension. Socks are easily absorbed and even after long ride I do not feel any discomfort or pain in wrists, back or solders.
Mileage: From the beginning I am getting 42-45 km/l and on highway I get 55-57km/l. It may me not matched with others but my bike give me such a good mileage.
Engine oil: On the first 2000 km I have changed mobile 4 times. I have changed it in every 500 km. After 2000 km I started to use Motul Mineral 20W40, I changed it for 600 km at first time then 800 km and now I use it for 1000 km. Most of the people may think why I did not used synthetic oil but I never felt it. Recently I am using the oil named ZIC M9, I am not using it for long so I will not say anything about it. But till now I am satisfied.
Headlight: The stoke headlight bulb is so poor. This make problem on the highway specially for me as I wear glasses so I am using original Motoled from the beginning. And for extra support I have installed a pair of fog light.
Sound Issue: The sound is awesome till now and I have opened it for servicing but till now I am very happy with the sound.
Top Speed: Though I do not believe in top speed but I have got 116km/h and I have tested it on both high and low rev and this bike can easily reach 120km/h.
Tail lamp and indicator lamps: Anyone will like the tail lamp and the tail lamp and the indicator lamp is so qualified and till now it do not fused.
Chain: My bike is first bike of 2017 the chain is normal. I haven't faced any problem with the chain but at 7000 km ACI changed my chain and installed 'O' ring chain. Thanks to ACI for that.
Color, kit, and side panel: Till now the color is glassing and perfect of my bike. The kit and side panel is made of plastic but by the grace of Allah there is no problem at all I think the parts are hard and strong enough. And I haven't fall with the bike.
Meter: The meter board is totally digital and simply best. But I think gear indicator is needed sometime. And oil indicator cannot measure the perfect amount of oil in the tank.
Switch panel and horn: Switch panel is beautiful and qualified not like the other bikes or like plastic quality. Stock horn is very poor so I am using P70 horn for city and electric horn for high way.
After sales and servicing: I have done 3 free service from the ACI they are good and I am thankful to ACI, it is common in Dhaka for the value of time is very high. They are not good in other servicing center. But now they are much improved. Thanks to ACI. And I also taken a paid servicing from Fi Boss Ripon.
Long Tour: As I am a student so it is not easy to go for a long tour as I need permission from my parents. But I have made many tours from Dhaka to Mymengsingh twice, Comilla once, Bhairob once and Gazipur often. At once I have ridden 345km. And every week I ride almost 200+ km in the city.
Security alarm lock: I have been using TASS V2 lock for last 1 year and the performance is good and it is not harming the battery.
Which I have changed: I have changed horn, headlight, air filter, stock plug, full chain set, brake pad and brake shoe, engine oil filter(every time when I change mobile)
I am totally satisfied with this bike in this 10000 km. I have faced some minor problems. One of the problem is the rasher. The ball rasher often give a flow to one side. Actually this is a common problem in this bike. Beside clutch mountain make problems it was in the V1 also. That make the bike jump a little while losing the clutch. But this is not a problem to me.
We should not shout to the other to be changed, let us change ourselves. And we should not find other's fault we should make ourselves fixed first. Please ride safe and responsibly and enjoy the smoothness of bike and get back home with a smiling face.
Arnob Hardy
Fuel Injection Club BD FCB