We must have to think about so many brands before we made our mind to a bike. I have thought about a lot before I made my decision to purchase my own bike. I have asked to my elder brothers that which bike going to be best for me and according to their advice I keep searching the best bike for me. One of my elder brothers using Bajaj Pulsar NS160 and he told me that this bike is just perfect from all the parts. Although the tires narrow even then its control and balance is just awesome. Then the Bajaj Pulsar NS160 just surrounding on my mind same time, I notice that this bike is made by Bajaj which is one of the famous brands in Bangladesh by which I don’t have think about the service and spare. Considering all these, I made my mind to purchase Bajaj Pulsar NS160. On the other hand, this model already launches the new model with double disk by which I am going to have better breaking and control. So I have switched to the new model of Pulsar NS160. I have been using this bike from the last 4 months and ridden it around 2100 kilometers and today I am here to share my whole riding experience with you all. Hope my experience will be beneficial to you all.
-First of all, I want to share some of the negative parts of my motorcycle with you all:
-I think the wearing of this motorcycle is not so updated and those need to update immediately
-Mileage is not so adequate as a bike of 160cc why because right now I am having the mileage of 30-35 kilometers per liter when I am on the cities and around 35-36 kilometers per liter when I am on the highways and this range is a problem for me
-Engine always overheated
-Service centers quality need to update
I want to urge you all that don’t be depressed by listening the negative sides rather this bike has so many amazing parts as well:
-Its breaking system is more than good enough, front and rear breaking system performs excellently to have exact control over it
-Front suspensions is comfortable than the rear one and I think this bikes suspensions is better than any other bike of its segment.
-Seating position is equally comfortable for both rider and the pillion
-Engine is so smooth that it seems like this is the best one on the matter of smoothness among the bikes of 160cc segment.
-Control is more than up to the mark. Although this one’s rear wheel narrower than it should be but its perimeter frame always let me have the exact and expected control over this one.
So far now, I have ridden my motorcycle 100 kilometers at a stretch and picked up the top speed of 105 kilometers per hour. I have found this motorcycle comfortable enough while riding this 100 kilometers and I think this bike would be finest one for the long tour. I happy with my Bajaj Pulsar NS160.