I have seen so many reviews that most of the bikers learnt to ride motorcycle through some of the legendary bikes and I am same one like those people. I learnt to ride motorcycle through “Honda HS” and this was the time of 2010. Just after learning riding motorcycle, my eagerness faces the top level of having a motorcycle of my own. When I got my job, I have to ride Hero CBZ Extreme which I ridden around 1 year or so. But time is not fact on this brand rather the fact is, I gain the confident over the brand Hero why because, I found expected performance from the CBZ Extreme.
Right now I am using a motorcycle of Hero which is very new in its edition in the market. This one is new edition of “Hero Hunk”. I am to share my experience whatever I gained from this one in the last period of time since using. I hope you are going to be benefited enough from my review and will stay till the last.
My attention to the Hero Hunk grew up due to the quality of the Engine of this brand. As you can see in the top that I have mention, I was used to with the Hero CBZ Extreme where I found the Engine is just exciting in its performance and this is why, I choose Hero Hunk as my personal one. There is one more reason to choose the New Edition Hunk; you know there are lots of old Hunk and Pulsar can be seen in the road and by this point of view, I choose the new edition of Hunk and I took the New Hunk on the top of my choice list.
This new Hunk’s most attractive part in my eyes is its color variation. Excellent graphical design over the Matt color just show an amazing combination which gives it a whole new look. I can say this line that, each of the Hunk lovers will like this design just by single look and they will appreciate this one from the previous Hunk.
When to talk about the Engine of my Hunk? I have the experience of riding previous Hunk and from that experience I can mention that the New Edition Hunk’s Engine is very much smooth and this one has updated sound from the previous one. This one is just fine and normal, no overheating problem I can sense so far.
Seating position is like previous one and this is very much comfortable. Whenever I made long ride with Hero Hunk, I hardly can feel any pain in my wrist or shoulder and in my view, its handlebar and seating position is combined finely. It is good to mention that I am not yet been to the long ride with my new Hunk, actually I don’t yet got the chance but I will mention this point of long ride in the next review if Allah wish.
As we all know about the perfect control of the Hero from the beginning but I want to notify the management of Hero that they should improve the size of the tyre why because, the tyres this motorcycle currently has, and this one no way suit with the muscular body size of Hunk. I think the riders will have better control from the previous if the company improves the size of tyres.
On the matter of braking system, we all know that new edition has Double Disc facility but if you are not aware while riding then nothing can save you from danger so be careful while riding. I just want to say that, it’s totally on you what way you are using the braking system.
I don’t think the headlight has enough power why because I feel difficulty to have the clear view in front of me while riding in night. So I think company should check out the power and sharpness of the headlight. Same time, previous Hunk’s switches were pretty smoother than my current ones meanwhile, it would have better if the company use light on the switches. This will enhance the beauty while riding in night.
Suspensions are just perfect in my point of view. Ignoring the Monoshock suspension, this one’s suspensions performance is much better than any of the motorcycle.
I don’t yet measure the exact mileage of my motorcycle but I think this one is serving 40 kilometers per liter right now. I am happy with this short of mileage range.
I purchased my motorcycle from well known dealer of Hero in Rajshahi “Shuvo Enterprise” and I found them very much sincere to the customers. Especially the manager “MR. Samrat” is amazingly sincere to all the customers. He always solves the problem with all of his cordiality. I am not yet been to the servicing center to have their service but I will why because I purchased this motorcycle from them and I hope they will serve me in the same way as in the way I expect.
Considering the price range of this motorcycle, this one mostly seen on the road among the bikes of 150cc segment so I think its price is nicely exacted according to the customers demand. Hero is praiseworthy to serve such a bike to the root level customers.
If anyone is interested to purchase this motorcycle then my advice to them will be in the positive way to have this one as because, this motorcycle is just a perfect one considering its Brand value, Resell value, Design and also it’s Engine. So you can purchase this one without any hesitation.
At the last my advice to the company is, each of the bike brands introducing the updated versions and models in the market but the Hero Hunk holding almost the same model till now. So my claim to the company, they should think about the change on the model of Hunk and I think this will increase the demand and attraction of the new bikers. As because Hunk is on the market for a long time and very much well known even to the root level bikers so I think, New Model of this motorcycle will be accepted excellently to the bikers of this time.
Thanks to all for staying with me so long.