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This bike purchased from Niloy Motors Ltd- Tejgaon, Dhaka
10 month passed away after I started using Hero Passion X Pro Drum. I have achieved this bike from my office and the moment I got this bike I didn’t have any ideas about this bike. Thus I started using the model and now I am having enhanced experience with it. Today I would like to share some of my findings about this bike with you all.
Good sides of Hero Passion X Pro Drum in my view:
-I liked the design when I first saw the bike and it really conveys an excellent color combination and overall trendy design.
-As a 125cc bike the mileage seem to be very admirable. At the city roads I am getting 55 KM/ L mileage and at the highways it increases up to 60 KM/L. In fact, the engine is still very much new, so the mileage is completely fine to me.
-According to me this bike is one of the best choices for long journeys. Starting from the seating position to other components that makes a bike comfortable are perfect. I have ridden about 250 kilometers in a day and I was completely happy after the ride.
-Although it has drum brakes, but the braking system works perfect I guess and I am pleased.
To be very honest I used this bike for only 3500 kilometers in this 10 months and didn’t found any things to complaint about. I am literally very pleased with the performance and hopping to get the same performance in a long run.
Thank you for reading.
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Rate count: 1Hero Passion Xpro Drum bike has been on my favorite list for a long time. When this bike was available on the market then I had ...
English Bangla10 month passed away after I started using Hero Passion X Pro Drum. I have achieved this bike from my office and the moment I got ...
English Bangla