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This bike purchased from Niloy Hero Rajshahi, Rajshahi
For a long time, I have been visiting many showrooms in the local market to buy a bike and after seeing many bikes I have chosen Hero Splendor Plus 25 Years Special Edition. I saw that this bike has an attractive design and is budget-friendly. All in all, I bought the bike and in 6 months I have ridden this bike about 4200 km. Today I will share the good and bad sides of this bike with you.
Some good sides of Hero Splendor Plus 25 Years Special Edition
Bad sides of Hero Splendor Plus 25 Years Special Edition
This was my short experience with Hero Splendor Plus 25 Years Special Edition. Thanks.
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Rate count: 2For a long time, I have been visiting many showrooms in the local market to buy a bike and after seeing many bikes I have chosen H...
English Bangla