I am a new biker, the thought of buying my own bike has been in my head since I learned to ride a bike. That's why I used to see the latest bike updates on the internet whenever I had time and this is how I came to know that Hero is going to bring a bike with the latest technology to the market. I used to look at the outlook of the bike by looking at the internet which I like a lot. So after a while I bought the Hero Thriller 160R FI ABS bike earlier this year but due to the onset of winter I was able to ride the bike only 300 kilometers. Now these 300 kilometers is not enough to understand another bike, but I will try to highlight all the aspects of the bike I have seen.
These are the most amazing parts of my motorcycle:
- My bike is very smooth, in any way or at any speed I have not yet felt any bad sound or vibration.
- Gear shifting is very smooth, as a new biker I have never had a problem shifting gears.
- I like the headlights and the meter console a lot
I still don't understand anything bad, or to put it bluntly, but I think two things could have been a little better:
- If the Grab Rail was like a normal bike, the pillion would have some advantage. It's not that bad, but the problem is we're not used to that kind of grab rail.
- I really like the meter console but I don't think the meter is complete without the gear indicator
Now if the question arises that, despite of having so many more bikes in the same segment why did I buy the Hero Thriller or wait until this bike arrives? The part of the answer to this question I have given above and if asked directly I would say that this bike is within my budget and within this price I have got all the latest features of this bike.
In terms of mileage, I am currently getting mileage on an average of 33 kilometers per liter, both in the city and on the highway. Hopefully this mileage will increase in the coming days.
So far I have ridden the bike continuously for 35 kilometers and picked up the speed of 60 kilometers per hour. It is normal not to feel any problem in such a journey and neither did.