My name is MD. Manikur Rahman, an employee. As to say about this one, this is my first bike of my life. There are some people who purchase bike only for fun and some people only for the style. When the question about me, the main reason to purchase this bike to commute my home in the holidays and to have some fun with it. But there is a thrill to ride a bike. This is not so long since I using bike, only 6 months almost since I am using “Honda Livo 110cc”. This is good to mention that, I have a passion to the bike from the early of my age but I was looking for a chance to purchase one. At the last I made my decision to purchase it and I am very much comfortable with this one and I have gained a handsome amount of experience with this bike by using it last 6 months and today I'm going to share those with you guy's.

My “Honda Livo 110cc” is nice to look and very much attractive same time this one has the outlook that can snatch the eyes any one who take a look at this. Its color, design, and build quality is very nice and strong so far to me. I don't want to say anything about its build quality, in a word, it is strong and well enough. Its seating position is very much comfortable and according to the seating position its handlebars position is well measured which is a favorite part to me. At the same time, each of the switch of the handlebar is so nice and good in quality and I never feel any trouble with those. Its brake also work very much nicely. I would like to say that its comfort and control good enough to me so far. That is why, I am just happy with this bikes comfort and control. The body of the headlight and the light of the headlight is pretty well strong and sharp. I don't yet feel any trouble to have a clear view of the front. By having all these features of this bike, I can ride this bike for a long time which never put me in the hesitation or any short of trouble.
But its engine is not so sound to me and the reason is, it lightly make a disturbing noise same time, I face trouble to start it in the morning. Its control is just fine but its wheel is thin according to its structure. From this point of view, it would be better to give a wide wheel personally I think.
Its suspension is good enough in performance. I never ride my bike in rough speed but so far I have ridden this one. I don't feel any vibration but it takes time to pick up the speed at first. Its suspension perform so nicely that, I hardly feel any shake of the rough road even in the rural remote places. Same time, my bike don't even vibrate in the heavy speed by which I don't yet feel any back pain and I am happy with this part of my bike.
One of the most amazing part of this bike is, its price which seems to me very much less according to the same category bike of the market. I am having nice service from the mileage as well. It good to say that, this bike is just perfect from my view. As I am not an experienced rider even than I am just happy with the mileage it serves. Currently this bike serving the mileage of 60 kilometer per liter even more than it. As it serving the mileage, from my view it is better then any other bike in the matter of mileage. Servicing center's quality is also nice one to me, their behavior, working capability is pretty well to me.
Good sides:
- Good mileage
- Price is reasonable enough
- Design and build quality is nice and strong
- Handle, switch and seating position is well enough.
Negative sides:
- Engine often make some irritating noise lightly
- It takes time to pick up the speed
- According to the structure of this bike, its wheel seem to be thin to me.
- I often fall in trouble to start it in the morning.
But after considering so many experience including good and bad from “Honda Livo 110cc” in the last 6 months, this one is my favorite one to me. I am just happy with my bike. By having all the experience like this, I would like to sat that, those who are thinking to having this bike, you definitely can made your decision with it. I believe that, you are going to be happy as like me.