Motorcycles are now incomparable for all short of riding. This is the only vehicle of this time by which one can move faster by ignoring all short hindrance of the road and traffic. I am also a person who purchased this motorcycle to gain the freedom of the road. Right now I am using Honda Livo 110cc. I have been using this one from the last 1 month and I have ridden it around 600 kilometers in this period of time. It is good to mention that this one is the first motorcycle of my life and I have chosen this motorcycle before I am on the showroom to have my one. Same time, this motorcycle is perfect one considering the matters of features, performance and the price. As to talk on the matter of personal vehicle then nothing could be better than the motorcycles. From this point of view I found my freedom to move on the road just according to my wish. I am really felt free by riding my motorcycle. There is nothing new to say on the matter of engine performance of my motorcycle why because so far now, I am just ridden my motorcycle around 600 kilometers and in this distance I found the engine is good enough as it should be. Till now, I have picked up the top speed of 70 kilometers per hour and ridden this one 50 kilometers at a stretch. The graphical designs over my motorcycle are excellent enough to look at and the plastics used over this one are strong enough to support for a long time. Seating position is comfortable by which I merely can feel anything like problem or discomfort while ride my motorcycle for long time even I am comfortable enough while in the long ride. Suspensions are expectedly updated as it need to why because I hardly can sense any shaking even while on the rough road condition. Headlight serves me good amount of light to have the clear view of the front. Self switch is still working finely. These are the good sides of my motorcycle that I have sensed by using this one in the last 1 month:
-Its graphical designs are whole new and politely stylish that no one can ignore its gentleness.
-Mileage range is more than remarkable as a bike of 110cc
-No overheating problem I can measure so far
-Very much comfortable while riding this one on the long route
-Suspensions always let me feel the exact feelings of riding a motorcycle
-Seating position and the handlebar is excellently combined that quite exacted as a bike of Honda.
When to talk on the matter of choosing this one ignoring others bike of the same segment?
The structure and the graphical designs over this motorcycle are just amazing enough to impress anyone so I am just like the same person who impressed through its outlook. So I didn’t checked out any others bike of the same segment rather I made my decision with this one just by single look.
As to talk about the mileage range in details? Right now I am having the mileage of 50 kilometers per liter when I am riding my motorcycle of the cities and around 60 kilometers per liter when I am riding my motorcycle on the highways.
The sound of the engine of my motorcycle is very smooth and it is very powerful. Its mileage range is reasonable as well. Both of the wheels have drum brakes. I have change the engine oil in first 350 kilometers as showroom told me. Same time, I have changed the mobil filter as well while draining the mobil. Seating position is comfortable enough where 2 persons are very easy to sit on. By considering most of the parts of my motorcycle, I would like to say that this one is the best one in the price range that I have purchased. If you want to have the same performance then you have to take proper care of your motorcycle.
Thanks to all for staying with me so long.