Almost one year and three months had passed and my bike Honda CB 150R Streetfire is now 18000 Kilometers old. I got this bike from Hafsa Mart by their pre booking order system. Wings BD was delaying to deliver my bike and I become frustrated so I literally wrangle with them. Because when I first saw the matt Black and red edition of this bike I was out of my mind and they were delaying to give me my love that’s why I started to screaming on them, asking about my bike. Initially I just loved the bike at first glance and on top of that it has the logo of HONDA, so what more I need, more than enough reasons were there to buy.
First of all I want say one thing, I don’t like faring bikes personally so the choice and over view can vary person wise. I have got the best response with my bike while riding at the city roads from its outlooks. Over all this bike offers completeness, it isn’t so polite or so much kinky which make the looks decent and stylish. This bike comes with smart outfit, especially from the side view and angle view. But few missing are also seen at this bike such as engine kill switch, headlamp on-off switch etc needed things. Why Honda does this I can’t come across but the speedometer of this bike is unique and looks so attractive.
There is nothing to say special about the engine configuration of Strretfire I think. Almost everyone knows about the big brother of this bike named CBR. This model can be considered as the necked CBR. Water cooled EFI engine technology which has PGM system for the ECU. It works in 8-10 sensors at the PGM-FI system and that’s why in critical weather conditions it offers better performance even though the oil flow is not sufficient. This type of engine system generally thinks by them self what is required for the bike and that’s why they also offer high mileage range as well. And I think if this type of powerful engine provides 42-45 KM/L mileage at the city roads than we must say wow!
Once I filled the tanker with the Fuel of TK 900 and made a up-down trip from Dhaka to Chittagong, when I was returning faced the horrifying cross wind along with a pillion and combined weight of us both were at least 175 KG. After getting off from the bike at Dhaka I saluted Honda CB 150R streetfie because it literally carried two baby elephants on it and gave us “what’s the matter don’t worry I am here” kind of feelings. In every cornering, crossing this bike offers me great balance with the pillion no lacking at the overall performance, evern at the muddy roads no skidding and the Nissinn Braking system gave superb performance. Observing all these my rider pillion said”, Holy shit that what we called Honda” (he was a former Apache User). Low beam of the headlamp covered almost 9 miter wideness in front of the bike which makes me so co confident. High beams are also very charming and give great performance as well. But the low beam focusing could be better according to our country road conditions. Overall the light makes night riding satisfactory. With pillion I have reached 118 KM/H speed without any extra effort. But when I was returning from Comilla I have got 138 KM/H speed because I was riding alone. It was the highest speed of my bike and I never tried to speed up more. On the highways I have got 55 KM/L and at the city roads 42-45 KM/L. mileage depends on own riding such as when you will shift the at 5-5.5 rpm you will get better mileage but if you shift the gears at 7K RMP you will get lesser. Engine oil is also a matter of fact. I use Motul 7100 and I am getting 45 + mileage, and using 300v I have got 40: but the performance was better at 300V. Both these engine oil are synthetic.
I will not waste both the time and words for saying about the Controlling, handling and suspension because all are just wow! But seating at the pillions seat is one kind of punishment for long time riding.
One of the other interesting things about this bike is its bank angle sensor. Main purpose of this sensor is, if you get into a difficult situation where you are about lay down on sided then it will shut down the engine and give you an opportunity to hold on to good balance. I have personally faced this kind of situation and I got passed at that time only because of this sensor, otherwise something worst will took place on that day. This kind of facility is only available at this bike at our country.
Till now many good sides are said by me and no I will start to say the bad sides of this bike. As I said before, no pass light, no headlamp on-off switch and engine kill switch. Other thing is its critical wearing system. You cannot use extra lighting or place extra electrical features for this bike though it is not required because of the powerful headlamp. But the mechanic was failed to place the pass light and the alarm with the indicators of this bike only because of the critical wearing system of the electrical.
Without any expert mechanic it is very dangerous to change the system. Other bad things of this bike are the stock chain sprocket set and the time chain adjuster. Both these were sound maker and I have used them for 15000 kilometers. Time chain adjuster makes noise while the engine is cool enough but bit doesn’t hamper the mileage at all. But the noise was irritating that’s why I changed it. Within every 5-6 thousand kilometers the air filter needed to be changed which is really short duration. Ball racer is not strong enough.
Mandatory changes which were made within this 18000 kilometer are the brake pad and the air filter. Along with that chain sprocket and the ball racer are also included. Without that after every 3000 kilometers regular servicing was completed for my bike. No bigger fixing is needed for my bike till now.
On the whole I would like to say amongst all the premium bikes running at the country roads, Honda CB 150R Streetfire is the best one according to its price and features. For few times my bike fall at the ground because it was smack by cars at the parking place but no big damages were found. Good and durable enough body fairing I must say. Now I understand why people say “Honda is Honda”!
I beg of mercy if any mistakes are seen.
Thank you all.