Hope you all are familiar to Zongshen motorcycles, I am saying it because with that bike I have learned bike riding. After I learned bike riding I have used that bike for two years and then I bought Bajaj Pulsar 150. I liked everything about Pulsar 150 but one thing I didn’t like was the engine sound. A bothering sound was heard from that engine which I never liked. For that reason that bike was not with me for long. So I sold that and bought Yamaha Fazer. As the FI version was not available on that time so I bought the previous model of Fazer. I used that bike for two and a half years. After that I bought TVS Apache RTR 150 but because of the extreme vibration of that bike I sold it after 12 days. Then I chose Honda Hornet 160 for myself. When the hornet first arrived at the local market I purchased. We all know that Honda is one of the most renowned motorcycle companies among all so I chose Hornet without a doubt, but unfortunately I couldn’t keep that bike with m for long. For my business purpose I needed money and for that I have sold my Hornet. After that I buy TVS Stryker for doing my business works. Reason behind having this bike was the mileage which people used to say but when I started riding I saw that after riding it for 80-120 Kilometers at once you will feel I would rather walk but not ride. So this bike also didn’t stay with me for long and then I bought my present bike which is named Lifan KPR 165 Fi.

I was thinking to have Lifan 150 but one of my closest and experienced younger brother said if you are having a bike then you should go for updated and latest model. So I started to read reviews about Lifan KPR on the internet and also used to watch videos about this bike. Few days later I become interested to have this bike for myself. After that I got myself introduced with the moderator of KPR Club named Atik Emon and given a test ride of his KPR 165. After giving the test ride I realized that at least for once I have to buy this bike. So I went at the
New Shuvo Enterprise showroom and chose the Army green version of Lifan KPR 165, but the matter of sorrow was I didn’t have all the money on that time. But the owner of that showroom Shuvo Bhai said you do business and I do business and we do at the same city so hope you will not run away with my money. I sold my Stryker and give that money to him and took Lifan KPR 165 home.
Few days passed I was using this bike and suddenly I thought I will go on a long trip and at the very same day I went out for a long journey with my bike and also with a pillion, the destination was Shibganj. My intention was not to stop anywhere and to make sure the performance and comfort of this bike. After riding the half way mark I asked the pillion if he was facing any problems though but no complaints were heard from him. Later than riding around 80 Kilometers we reached our destination and I didn’t find any pains or problems which I found after riding another bikes. Even I wasn’t tired at all. So after I return home I figure out the power of the engine. With a pillion this bike didn’t took time to cross the sped of 100 and the most interesting things was I was feeling that speed whenever I was looking at the meter but on the other time I was feeling that the bike is running at 70-80 KM/H speed. So my experience of that journey was excellent that I must admire.
Talking about the technical sides of this bike I will say that firstly I like the braking. It has both side Disc brakes and the front disc size is bigger than another bikes. For that reason no complaints with the braking of this motorcycle and it is really outstanding to its performance. The rider and pillion both seats are very comfortable indeed and riding for a long time with this bike is not a problem at all.
One day the ignition was not getting started of this bike. Last night I went home riding this bike and at the very next day when I was starting this bike the meter wasn’t showing anything that means the ignition wasn’t starting off. Si started to worry about this matter and I started the bike after one day and by the grace of Allah it was started. I check the bike for finding the problem and it was about lose connection and this problem never happens again. Another problem is the suspension, I am not saying that it is less effective but the problem is it is very softer and for that reason if the pillion is heavy, the wheels rub with the lower part of the seat. Without these two I haven’t seen any problem yet. So I must say these are not big problems at all which can be considered as the fixed problem of this bike.
I never think about the mileage range of a bike which the other riders remain worried about, because I know that if I can take good care of my bike then it will surely give the best mileage of its own. Talking about the per liter mileage I am getting 39 KM/L mileage and if I filled the tanker with TK100 fuel then I am getting 43 Kilometers mileage. I always try to use the better quality octane for my bike.
After having this bike I didn’t visit the servicing center because I have only traveled around 1100 kilometers only by this time. But I am totally pleased with the behavior of new Shuvo enterprise and hope that their servicing quality and environment will also be the same pleasing.
Now one of the best things about this bike is the price of it. It is a sports category bike, 165cc FI engine and based on the other features and their performance the price is surly liked by all without a doubt. Within TK two lack and twenty thousand getting this kind of sports category bike is a matter of fortune I think. For this reason I am thanking Russel industries.
We all are familiar to a line and that is china products means less longevity. Though Lifan is a Chinese brand but after using KPR I think the engine of this bike is outstanding in quality and with the KPR 165 model they took a lace inside my heart for sure. As I already mentioned that I have ridden many bikes from different renowned brands and now it is time to ride the ways with Lifan KPR 165. Hopefully I won’t be disappointed.
The last thing I want to say if I change this bike for some reasons I will go for Yamaha R15 V2. But if this bike pleased me and I can have enjoyable ride all the time then this bike is going stay with me for sure.
Thanks for reading.