For better and fast transportation there are no instead of motorcycle I think, though this thinking might vary with others. In our country most of the peoples like motorcycle and for that reason this vehicle is now becoming very popular. With this transport people can easily move from one place to another. Before I say something else let me introduce myself first. I am MD.Jahidul Islam and I do business for my daily living. I am also a motorcycle user and the bike I use is named Roadmaster 100. I bought this bike from the Puthia Roadmaster showroom. I always have a dream to buy my own motorcycle. And finally that dream of mine comes true and I am using a bike for the last six months. Within these six months i have traveled around 4500 kilometers with my motorcycle. I forget to say that this is my first motorcycle which I am own. Today I am here to uphold my six months bike riding experiences with you all.

I didn’t buy this bike based on the design or performance but my main intention was the mileage. However when I saw this bike at the showroom the design catches my eyes and I think it is perfect. At the first glance it can be said that the body parts of this bike is strong and it will offer long lasting service hopefully. I was fallen once with my bike but no body parts were broken on that time so I am pretty much sure about the excellent build quality.

Engine performance of my motorcycle is perfect to me. As a 100cc commuter motorcycle the engine is truly powerful. Even the engine comes with a suitable and satisfactory sound. I have found over heating problem from this engine within these six months. But I personally don’t feel that is a big problem. Without that the controlling of this motorcycle is excellent, and because of the hydraulic brakes (Disc) I can easily control my bike. After I was fallen from my motorcycle I never ride my motorcycle on high speed.
When I buy this bike I was told that I am going to have 60 KM/L mileage from this bike and I am very happy because I am getting the same. So I am pleased with their words because they match. As I purchased this bike for having a good mileage so I have no complaints.
Till now I have serviced my motorcycle once, because I never faced any big problems which I had to fix. I faced problems with the clutch and the chains set and both of them were bothering for me. After I visited the servicing center they fix those problems. They behaved well with me and their working place and their work ability was pleasing by the way.
One thing I didn’t like about this bike is the price. As a 100cc motorcycle the price this bike holds is not perfect I think. Based on everything the price should be lessened. And I think the demand will also increase if the price gets lessen.
Riding seat of this motorcycle is very comfortable and softer for riding. Another big reason behind having this bike was this seating position, I can ride with my family members without facing any problem and that is very good thing I guess. As I said before I have no complaints with the controlling, this bikes seat is not so high so I can easily touch my both feet at the ground and have full control over the bike. Brakes are superb. Electrical features and their operating switches are very good looking and easy to use. Even the headlight offers me great power at the night rides so I can see the path clearly. I have tested the top speed of this motorcycle, and I have got 85 KM/H. One thing I must say this bike has vibrating problem, and I felt that when I was riding at high speed. In one day I traveled around 250 kilometer with my motorcycle and I was not tired. But I didn’t like the suspensions at all, because at the off kind of roads I feel great shaking when I ride single.
So these were my own experiences with my motorcycle and I beg of mercy because of my mistakes if there is any and also for not saying my words in good order. Finally I would like to say if someone is thinking to have a fuel efficient and good performing bike they can go with this motorcycle. Overall performance, especially the engine and mileage both are pleasing of this motorcycle. But one thing is worst of this motorcycle and that is the weight it is really light weighted. As a 100 cc bike the weight need to be more. So I will request the manufacturing company to keep that thing in mind for their next production.