I started to match my with Speeder Countrymen 165cc just before 1.5 months ago. Its extra ordinary Design, Cafe racer look and also by the advice of my office colleague, I made this bike my close one. I had purchase this one from the showroom of Gulshan just near of the Aarong. I personally think that bike is one of the most common and comfortable vehicle of this time. Specially in the roads of Dhaka where jam is unavoidable. I mainly use bike to have some fun in the leisure. It is very common to search for advice while someone in the way to purchase a bike and MotorcycleValley invite me to share my review about my bike. I am really grateful to them for taking such step as because with my review, so many people will have the direction about the features and quality of my “Speeder Countrymen 165cc”. I think, if someone is searching for the actual information about my bike then he/she don't have to look further from my review. So lets move to the actual point without wasting any time.
It is mostly common for all the rider and biker to measure the design whichever bike he rides. I just charmed with its design at the first sight. Its design is completely Cafe Racer. In a word, the outlook I was searching for, I have the from this one. Same time, along with the design of this bike, its build quality is pretty good in my view. But some of the side of its design is not positive in my view as like – Body and kits color different from each other, I don't like the font that written on the Engine “SPM – 165”.
As a 165cc engine its sound, speed are just fine and ok. I think it is going to better and smooth when I am out of the break in period. I have to make the Engine hot each time I start it. If I do so then the Engine don't turn off. I asked to the servicing center about this problem and they advice me to wait just for a month. This is going to be ok and fine then.
Seating position is very much comfortable same time, its height and position is just perfect in my opinion. Position of the handlebar is fine enough by which I don't feel any irritation in my shoulder or in hands even after riding this one for a long time. I ride my bike mostly in the city and I am happy with its performance in city.
As my bike is Cafe Racer and for this reason I can control it quite easily and it is better to mention that I can't notice anything wrong with the control of my bike so far. One this is better to inform you that, I have noticed an unpleasant feeling while cornering.
Breaking Tyre and Suspension
In a word, breaking system is my bike is just awesome. Double disk break in the front and rear disk break ensure me the highest safety wherever I am. On the other hand, suspensions seem to be hard in my feelings but I hope those are going to be easy and free with the flow of time. Tyres size are just fine and those have nice grip.
Headlamps light is pretty sharp both in the city or in the highway. That serve the good enough quantity of light to have the clear view of the front. Meanwhile, switches are really nice in their performance.
While I am to purchase this bike, showroom informs me that this will serve the mileage of 35 kilometer per liter. Currently I am having the mileage of 22 – 23 kilometer per liter. I think that this short of mileage is not any major issue from such a bike. I am satisfied with the mileage. But this is better to up hold the real fact that, bikers are not same in their mentality so the company should think about the matter of mileage seriously from my point of view.
Service center
I have been to the servicing center and they serve me in nice way. They are really sincere to the problems of their customers even they call over the cell phone to follow up the customer while I am feeling that problem again or not. I am even every biker is going to be happy if they have such service. Actually it is pretty important to serve a cordial service from the servicing center and it is equally important for all the bike company.
As my bike serving me and according to its service, I think its price is ok and fine. If I have to compare my bike with the others then I will declare that the price of “Speeder Countrymen 165cc” is fine.
So far I don't have any negative feelings with my bike and I expecting that I am not going to have any even in future.
I don't have any advice to the company right now.