In student life ,everyone has a dream to purchase a bike and in this case i am not exceptional .Indeed i love bike riding .When i had not own bike i used my friend bike and seated him on my back for riding.One of my friend had a Gixxer DD bike; which i also used for riding,a number of days.After few days of riding it’s become my favorite one.On this purpose , I deside myself to purchase a Gixxer DD bike .Last of all ,i purchase this bike from Akota Enterprise ,Rajshahi.Till now i have been riding 7400 km .And i maintained all rules and regulation according to breaking period .So i gather some experience about our road condition and my Gixxerdd bike.Now i think to share my experience to all, for your convenience .This is the purpose to write about an article.
Bike has some good side and these are :
-The best side of Gixxer DD bike is its control .And i have never been faced any problems in any street of Bangladesh.
-I did not feel any vibration on the time of high speed riding .So i do not afraid to lose control on riding time.
-This bike has used disk break of both side which provide smooth break.
-Because of comfortable sitting positin, I do not feel any pain of my hand and waist and like to go long drive with this bike.
The bad side of this bike:
-Pillion sit is not comfortable, which suggested by some companion who were sitting behind me.
-Generally,as a student it is too much difficult to afford oil comfortably .So undoubtedly it’s better for me to get more milease.
-Another thing i notice that users get some engine problem after few days of riding .
Bike model getting close to racing bike.Though considering all the things i would like to discuss vividly.
Glamour look is the first priority to purchase this bike.Combination of Body kit ,steering and body safe give an unique look.But which plastic they are used to build their bike this is not so good.They should be used quality plastic of their bike. During the time of long drive repeatedly we do not stop bike and facing fuel pump; because in this bike used 12 litter fuel tank which provide us good support to go to long drive.Ground clearance 160 mi m which is good for driving on the streets of Bangladesh. They are used 140 sections back wheel and 110 sections front wheel of their bike which insure a good control .ON cornering time ,I did not face any skidding. Even without skidding I am able to drive on muddy and sandy road. The bikes outlook mileage dropping for using monoshock suspension .Overall I get 35-40 litter mileage per litter with good racing bike shape and riding anywhere in Bangladesh without any stress.