I think bike ride is perfect for outdoor travel and traveling so need bike for work and everything. So without further delay my favorite bike
I bought TVS Apache RTR 160 4V bike which is a popular bike nowadays which attracts me its looks and its control always likes me. I will share my usage experience today till now I have ridden 22000 km bike.
Among the good points of the bike are:
The bike control system is the best for me without any risk.
Mileage seems ok to me in terms of car budget, bike mileage is 35+ in city and 40+ outside city i.e. highway.
I like the top speed of the bike so far I have been able to reach a maximum speed of 126 kmph so far which I can say is good in terms of top speed.
As I like to tour a bit I have done long rides of more than 380 kms from there I have no complaints about the bike its one of the best bikes in budget I think some things could have been better
Controls are good to me but I would have liked a bit more brake control compared to the current bike.
When riding in a hot pickup, the engine heats up a bit, which I could understand on a long ride.
As I am a rider, I feel that service cost is better if the cost is lower and parts are more expensive which as a rider I think is a bit expensive.
This was my little experience as a small rider to share with you. Maybe my experience will be useful for those who buy a new bike. Thanks everyone