Owned for 1year+ [] Ridden for 10000km+
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8 out of 10

TVS Apache RTR Motorcycle Ownership Review by Akhtarul Islam

Little things I want to say about me
My name is MD Akhtarul Islam. My hometown is in Neyamatpur which is placed in Naogoan district. I am an M.A in Bengali from Rajshahi College. For my livelihood I do online marketing and because of this reason when I desire to have my own bike I didn’t need to ask money from my father or anybody else. I owned this bike by my individual money. When you will fulfill your need by your own earning it cannot be explained by words how do you will feel. I am using this motorcycle for one year and it has crossed 23000 kilometers at meter counting. Few good and bad experiences with bike I have gathered in one year. I will try to explain my own feelings and the entire good or bad things about my motorcycle for the other users who want to have this bike. Now whatever I will share is my own opinion about my motorcycle and it can vary with others.
Riding with my bike
I usually use my motorcycle for city travelling and to drive the way to my home district. When I ride with my bike I always feel better controlling and for this I never felt embarrassment or uneasiness. Better quality suspension, current pickup and good setting position always give s me better riding experience. I made many long journeys with my bike. Rajshahi to Bogra, Rajshahi to Shibgonj, I was very much comfortable at those journeys. I have got better mileage and top speed always with by bike. I have crossed 115 KM/H speed with my bike.
Those things I like about my bike
As I said I purchased this bike by my own earning so every side of my bike is better to me but overall few special things are in my loving list which was also the reasons for having this bike. First of all I love the size of this bike because it is larger in sports category. Along with the size its design is also very attractive and rare. Side kits made the design more charming then previous model. Third thing which I liked about this bike is its current pickup, 0-60 within 4/5 seconds which is awesome. Last but not on the list is its mileage and speed. In one word both are tremendous.
Those things I dislike about my bike
Few bad sides of my bike have caught my eyes in this one year and I think every biker who uses this bike will say the same words. Among the bad things I noticed first is, this bike vibrates very badly after it cross 80 KM/H speed. Secondly I observed at the braking time tyres skids which can be a reason of bad occurrence. At night riding headlight power is not sufficient I think. Bikes chain decay very faster than the others. In very short time my bikes chain has damaged. Last thing I find out is the ground clearance of this bike is not perfect. At the speed brakes it creates problems very often.
Taking a good care can increase the longevity of your bike so it is necessary I think. For my bikes fuel I use the mixture of 40% octane and 60% petrol. After 100 kilometers I change my engine oil. These are my little observation in one year with. Though this bike has some bad sides but overall performance of this bike is pleasant. If anyone asks for my ratings for this bike I will give 9 on 10.