Owned for 3months-1year [] Ridden for 5000-10000km
TVS Apache RTR Motorcycle ownership review by Sohel

My name is Sohel and I am a regular motorcycle rider. As I said I am very passionate about bikes. I always had a dream to have my own bike and my dream bike was TVS Apache RTR. At the first glance I loved the looks and color combination of Green and Black Apache RTR. For many difficulties and financial problems I was not able to buy my dream on that time. After few days my budget problems and other difficulties were solved and I purchased a brand new Apache RTR. Model remains the same but color combination was changed because when I bought the bike my eyes were caught by the red and black Apache. I was very joyful on that time when I can say I have my own bike.
I have to say bike purchasing history of mine is really amusing. Though Apache RTR was always my first choice but before I pay money for this bike I also observed the whole motorcycle market. After watching all standard bikes like Pulsar, Hunk, Apache, Discover and more I reached a decision. I choose two bikes and they were Discover 135 and Apache RTR 150 but unfortunately Discover 135 was not available in the market so I choose discover 125 as a replacement. I asked for the advice of my parents, friends and other users around me and they all suggested me to go for Apache. So I made my mind to stick with my first choice and purchased this bike.
Riding experience with my bike is excellent I can say. No bigger problems occurred till now and I enjoy my riding always. At city roads this bike gives me better controlling, comfortness and speed. I also travelled few long journeys with my bike. Other Apache user says that this bike vibrates much but I don’t feel that much vibration and I take pleasure to ride 150 kilometers. After that journey I didn’t feel that much tired or back pain. So both city travelling and long journeys can be enjoyed with this bike.
I am using this bike for only few months and for this mileage still irritate me. I have calculated the mileage at city roads and I have got 32-34 KM/L mileage. At the highways almost 40 KM/L mileage is provided from my bike. I think after servicing and the braking period mileage will increase more. At the top speed I am satisfied because I have personally experienced 105 KM/H speed with my bike. I hope expert rider can increase more definitely.
Few bad sides also caught trough my eyes of this bike because every mechanical product contains complexity. As I said this bike contains better controlling but still the bikes tyre skids at rainy days. Without that hydraulics and gear shifting needs to be used very carefully or controlling becomes very trouiblng. Hard braking needed to prohibited during cornering or else bike can go down. This bike is best for two riders because of its seat length. Riding this bike with two other pillion will be very painful for the rider. Besides these problems every single thing I just love about my bike, from its headlight to its tail light everything is satisfying to me.
I took a great care of my bike because I cannot tolerate dirty things. I ride my motorcycle very carefully at any kind roads. I always cover the whole bike at the parking place even it is in my own house. In every 15-20 days I wash the whole bike.
Overall I can say I am satisfied with my bike because I love the model, looks, color combination, speed, performance, so what else I need. Because this bike belongs to an Indian manufacturing company so it is better for one time use. I have doubt about its longevity.