Owned for 1year+ [] Ridden for 10000km+
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10 out of 10

TVS Metro 100cc bike ownership review by MD. Samiull Islam Ullas

I have learned to ride motorcycle 11 years ago. From that time I wish I have a bike. But my father had restriction to buy a bike. I was student on that time. After finishing my study, I joined in a job as a Banker. Then one day I bought a bike.
Altaf bhai (Owner of Sakura Enterprise, Rajshahi) always influenced me to buy a bike. One day I went to Sakura Enterprise to visit their showroom. Different models of TVS motorcycles were there. I chose TVS Metro 100cc. It is most suitable for me from every side. I told Altaf bhai that I will buy this bike within next couple of months. Because I had no money on that time, even I had only 30 taka in my pocket. Altaf Bhai told me “Do not think for the payment, just take the bike and ride it”. I bought bike and brought it to my house with the permission of my mother. From last five years, I am riding my TVS Metro 100cc.
Dear Bikers, I am MD. Samiul Islam Ullas. I am from Rajshahi Bangladesh. I am a Banker. I am sharing my riding experiences of my TVS Metro 100cc bike.

Main reason to buy my bike was “passion”. I also use it to go to my office. Sometimes we ride outside of the city with some of our friends. Basically I use the bike to move in the city. And sometimes it used for my family purposes. It's spacious long seat suitable for doubling.
I am not a speed lover. I never ride over speed. I have got 70-80km per hour on emergency. This bike is not suitable to run more than it, because it is a commuter bike. I have got 60-70km per liter from this bike. It is sufficient enough for me.
I am riding this bike from last five years and did not get any problem yet. I change it's mobil on every 800-1000km. I check it's spark plug and other necessary parts such as brakes, air in tyre, chain etc in regular basis.
Why I like it?
Stylish look
Fuel efficient
Strong and durable
Low maintenance
Excellent after sales service from Sakura Enterprise
Why I dislike it?
It creates problem when I delay to do servicing.
From my riding experiences I can say that this bike is not for speed lovers. And also not comfortable for aged people like 60-70 years old. I think this bike is most suitable for 30-45 years old people. Who need to use this bike as transport. To move in a city or in a village. If any person wants to buy a bike for long time, he can choose TVS Metro 100cc.