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Bike is a very necessary vehicle. People of every profession need bike. I’m a businessman and bike is my hobby from my childhood. Because of I feel the necessity of a bike for my business so, I have decided to purchase a bike. TVS is one of the famous motorcycle brands in Bangladeshi motorcycle market. Because of I wanted a fuel efficient bike in reasonable price so, I gave priority to TVS brand. I like TVS Metro and the users of this bike around me said that the performance and mileage of this bike is very good. Almost 2 years ago I have purchased this bike and till now I have ride almost 20000km. Today I’m going to share my experience about this bike to you and I hope it will become helpful for you.
Good sides:
-The design of this bike is attractive.
-The engine performance of this bike is very good.
-Its mileage is also very good.
-The build quality of this bike I strong.
-It is a very comfortable bike.
Bad sides:
-Sometimes the self-start of this bike stop working.
-The quality of the handle switch case and switches are not good.
The major reasons behind purchasing this bike are, the design and mileage of this bike is very good and the price of this bike is reasonable.
I’m getting 55kmpl in the city and 60kmpl on the highway.
Last of all I must say, after considering the good sides, performance and price of this bike you can also purchase this bike and I hope you will also get good performance form this bike. Thank you.
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Rate count: 3There are many reasons to have TVS Metro for my-self. Among them I would mention the most important two. I wanted a reasonable p...
English BanglaBike is a very necessary vehicle. People of every profession need bike. I’m a businessman and bike is my hobby from my childho...
English BanglaTVS metro is one of the finesse bike I have ever used. I already used the first model of TVS Metro and presently I am using the ...
English BanglaMore than five years I am using TVS Metro, the meter shows near around 28000 kilometers ride. I am a businessman, due to that re...
English Bangla