I think that each of the family should have a bike why because this is the most common vehicle which can run fast and help in all short of emergency conditions. Recently, many of the young people are using Motorbike as a fashion. This is not going to be smart to think that a bike only has positive side but a bike negative side also. Today I am here to introduce my bike along with its good and bad sides. If you stay connected with me till the last of this article then you can easily understand the quality of my bike. My name is MD. Habib Ali and I am a businessman. To maintain my personal and business purpose properly I have purchase my current bike but I am not a professional biker. I have used my bike near around 2 year and without any accident I have traveled with my bike 28,000 kilometer. Its performance is really good in my view. I was used to with the Dayang 100cc before this and I sold that one after using 1 year as because the lack of performance. Later, taking my time to have better mileage I choose Victor R 100cc. the main reason to have this is to travel a long in a short fuel expense. From this point of view, I am successful. Why because I mostly happy with it because of its mileage.
I want to say few words about the design of my bike. If the design of a bike is not good then it will not be so smooth while riding. From this point of view, I choose its design at first. At the same time with the Design of this one, I like its body parts and design. Its plastic parts don’t break easily even after falling on the ground. Same time, the shape of the fuel tank is pretty good in my view. This bike will match any people of any age.

A bikes main part is its Engine. If the Engines performance is not up to the mark then it mot going to be comfortable to ride as well. But my bikes Engine performance is pretty good although I have felt bad noise inside of the engine just 15 days of purchase. I just served it once and till now I don’t sense anything wrong in the engine. It does not become hot so easily even after long time. Same time, my bike can pick up the right speed in very short time. But it is good to mention that my bike is not for high speed riding why because it’s a 100cc bike.
Its seating position is good and workably soft. I can ride this one with 3 people quite comfortably. Same time, I don’t feel any irritation to touch the ground while on the seating position. Its handlebar is nice to look. I feel really nice to ride by holding the handlebar. I have picked up the top speed of 90 kilometer per hour. I rarely ride my bike in high speed. But I have felt irritation in my hands while riding in the high speed same time the vibration. I have traveled my bike 250 kilometer a day. I feel pain and irritation in my hands, back and even in waist. Switches in my bike are really good in their performance and easy to use. Headlamp serves me good quantity of light by which I can ride my bike without any disturbance in the night, no problem to have the clear view of the front. My bikes suspension is not so good why because I feel badly shake of the rough road and this thing make feel serious bad. Looking glass is clear enough to have the clear view of the back. Although, the tyres of my bike are thin but those are good enough to have the proper grip of the road. Its breaking system is good to say but rear wheel skid lightly in the emergency break. The breaking system would have been better if the disc break in a wheel. But one thing I would like to mention specially, and it is the Battery of my bike. It is really good; I don’t need to change the battery of bike yet.
Mileage is one of the major parts of bike by which most of the bikers measure the performance of their bike. As the showroom informs me about the range of mileage while purchasing this one, I am having the same mileage till now. They keep their words. I can run near around 60 – 65 kilometer per liter but in the rough road condition I have the mileage of 55+ kilometers but I think that it is good enough as a 100cc bike. I am just happy with the mileage. My claim to the company is, they must reduce the price of their product.
By considering its quality and features, its price seems like high in my view. It would be better for the customer if the price range is little bit lower. Same time, I think that the sell rate is going to be increase if the company reconsiders the price range. This bike is mainly chosen by the remote areas bikers why because they consider the mileage at first.
I like the service of the servicing center. As I have mentioned in above that I faced problem in the Engine once and I served that from the servicing center and I never feel any problem in the engine till now. Working environment is really good and they are pretty good in their behavior. Same time, they have good numbers of working equipment. Technicians are quite adapted in their work.
Good sides: Mileage is good, Design is just fine enough, seating position, performance and servicing center, Control and break same time the Engine performance.
Negative sides: Price seems to be higher; suspension is not so good, irritation in the hands while riding in the high speed.
At the last I want to say that, if anyone want to have better mileage then you can chose Victor R 100cc. you can travel a long distance in low cost of fuel. Same time, it’s others features and Engine performance is really good enough. You are not going to be hopeless if you choose this one.
Thanks to all.