Directly or indirectly most of the people of Bangladesh love motorcycle for different reasons or its extra ordinary features and fast riding ability ignoring the matter of traffics of the road.
My name is Nojir Shah and I am a businessman. As I have to maintain my both business and persona/family in my day to day life and from this point of view, I purchased this to maintain those properly in time. My bikes name is Victor R 100cc. I purchased this one from Banesshor bazar, Puthia upazila of Rajshahi.
From the last 3 years I have been using this bike same time, I have ridden my bike around 30000 kilometers. Today I am here to introduce my bikes good and negative parts in front you to give you a perfect image of my bike. I hope this will be positively helpful for you if you are thinking to have a bike of 100cc segment.
This is better to mention at first that this one is the first bike of my life. There was no chance to have any review of this bike when I was to purchase this one. I am Thankful to MotorcycleValley for making such process by which root level users are going to have the exact information about a bike.
As to say about my bike, I am having exact performance from my motorcycle which I expected from this one but I really don't purchase it only considering its performance rather its design and mileage were also important reasons behind choosing this one. Its design is perfect one in my view and after a long time I come to understand that plastics over its body are pretty strong which never going to broke so easily even after a long time. I think, this bike is going to suit with all short of rider of any age.
Now lets move our view to the matter of Engine performance. Engine can produce a handsome quantity of power as a 100cc bike. This Engine is really powerful. Same time, its me who picked up the top speed of 80 kilometers per hour just with the difference of time. Engines sound is pretty smooth even now same time, I don't yet sense any bad noise in the engine but I have sensed over heat while running for a long time same time, bad noise in the chain set. Engines performance is really good in my view and its control is up to the mark as well. I think that, the control would have been better if one wheel have a disc or hydraulic breaking system. I have to tolerate a nice amount of shake while on the high speed but I think that quantity is quite normal why I hardly ride my bike in the high speed.
When I am to purchase this bike, showroom informs me that this bike will serve me the mileage of 60 kilometers per liter and very amazingly I am having the same mileage even now whereas my intention was to have a good mileage, from this point of view, I am completely satisfied with my bike and I think this bike cannot be compared with the others due its excellent mileage range after 3 years.
I don't sense any major problem in my bike but I have mentioned in the previous words that chain set does not work properly by which I can sense a bad noise. This is very disturbing while on the highway. Seems like something serious in the engine.
I have been to their servicing center and they are quite cordial to me and others customers. Same time, I am happy to have their excellent service. I can't sense any problem in the chain set later the service.
They are really good to satisfy their guest same time, they have good number of working materials in their workshop which is a positive sign to have the expected service. One matter of bike is really make me feel bad and it is its price range as a 100cc bike. According to its performance, I hope the company will re consider its price and reduce by comparing with others well known brands of the same segment.
My bikes seating position is is pretty good and soft in which 2/3 people can easily sit over. I was looking for such a bike in which I can take whole of my family at a time. Same time, I can touch the ground from the seating position without any problem. Seating positions height is not so long. Switches on the handlebar is are quite nice to look at and same on performance. Meanwhile, headlight serve excellent quantity sharp light by which I always have the clear view of my front whenever I am riding my bike in night.
I have ridden my bike in the top speed of 80 kilometers per hour and I have sensed irritation in my hands same time, I have traveled 100 kilometers a day where I have to tolerate pain in my hands, back and even on waist. I don't like its suspensions anyhow why because I have to go on with a heavy shake whenever I am on the rough and tough road conditions but its control is really good. Looking glass show the exact view of my back.
At the last I want to say that, those of you who are thinking to have a bike of 100cc segment, you can think about this bike seriously why because its mileage is really charming. Same time, Engine performance is quite good as well. I am not advising you as because I am using the same bike rather I am having the same mileage of 60+ kilometers even after 3 years.
Good sides:
1. Mileage is just over excellent, 2. Engine performance is charming even now, 3. Design is pretty attractive, 4. Seating position is comfortable and wide, 5. Switches are nice and looking glass is very clear.
Negative sides:
1. Price is very high, 2. Painful in long ride, 3. Bad noise emerge from the chain set.
I don't have any demand to the company rather I hope company will reconsider the price of their bike and reduce the price as it should be as a 100cc bike.
I hope my review will help you all to make your decision over 100cc bike of you are thinking to have one for your personal use. No matter what is brand of this bike, you better consider the performance in the top of your consideration.
Thanks to all for staying with me so long.