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Walton Fusion 110cc bike ownership review by Nazmul

Hello readers, I extend my warmest wishes to you all. I am Nazmul Hossain, I want to share my experiences of the Walton fusion 110 cc motorcycle.
From the start I wanted to buy a Walton motorcycle because of its domestic nature. But I could not buy one because of my economic situation, which is not so good. Finally a friend showed interest and that’s why in the March 2012I bought Walton fusion 110 cc motorcycle. After few days, I paid back all the money to my friend. I spent 86,700.00 TK for the bike.
Why Walton Fusion 110 cc:
I told earlier that I am a little weak to domestic companies and also I had an opportunity to run the bike a few times before, It made a clear expression that it is a good bike.
Before I share my story with you, let’stalk about some of the necessary data about the fusion of 110 cc:
Engine: 1 cylinder, 4 stroke
Ignition: CDI
CC: 107 cc
Battery Volt: 12 volt
Start: kick, electric and remote control
Gear: 4
Size: 2010 * 880 * 1315 mm
Fuel tank: 15 liters
Fuel: petrol
Brakes: front disc, back drum
Weight: 111.5 kg
Rated power: 5.2/8000
Wheel Base: 1300 mm
Tires: 2.75-17 front, back 3.00-17
Good sides of this Motorcycle:
1. Valueslessthan thepriceofother bikeswith same quality.
2. This bike looks like a horse not only that it also runs like a fastspeed horse, from80to 85kmper hourspeed.
3. The meter given with this bike is digitalMeter.It has afuelmeterandgearIndicator.
4. The headlight of this bike looks like ahorse's head. 12voltheadlights gave a nice look to this bike. Passinglightssignalinghelpsanothervehicleto understand my movement.
5. It hasmotorcycleengine switch in its handle by which you can turn it on or off, the electricstartswitch.
6. Front and back shock absorber spring helps a lot in thestreetdriving.
7. If you drive a motorcycle, it’s very important to have the proper break function. This bike has it all, whichincludesthe frontandbackplatesarehydraulicand drum. As a result,you can stop the bike when you need it.
8. Motorcyclefueltank looks very beautiful.
9. Motorcyclebatteryperformanceis verygood. Electricstartworksexcellent.
Bad sides of this motorcycle:
There aretwosidesof everything,good and bad, no exception. I haven’t experienced any major problem with this bike. But there are few things that I should share with you.
1) The Bikeisbentin the middle, that gives a little trouble to the back seat passenger. However in the case ofhusbandand wifeorboyfriend-girlfriend its reallygood.
Ii) The back tire slips when somebody brakes.
3) The handling of this bike not so good when you set your mind on racing.
Taking care of this Motorcycle:
I personally try to take good care of the motorcycle. Once a week [every Friday] I wake up early in the morning and start washing it. I do use the tab water, because I can attach a pipe and wash it easily. The better wash means a better flow of water. I use 2 tk shampoo on the bike and I wash it again. I use soft cloth to polished the bike and again with the coconut oil and after that I put It in the little bit of sunshine. I do a regular checkup in every 15 -20 days and change the Mobil after running 1000 km.
Finally, I'd recommendtheFusion 110 ccWalton Bike,myverybest.I do not knowwhetheryou'll enjoy it or not but remember, the service of a motorcycle depends on how you take care.
Driveslowlyandsafely. Remembernothings much moreimportant thanthe price oflife. Be well.
Allah Hafez.