It something like a long cherished dream of me to have a motorcycle since my childhood. It is good to mention that whenever I see my elder brothers of my area to move on with their bikes, I heart touching feelings always make me wonder to have a motorcycle just like they have and they riding. Right now it’s my time and right now I am using Yamaha FZ V3. This bike recently launched in Bangladesh and this one is pretty amazing among the bikes of this segment considering the design and features. This one is the first bike of my life and I learned to ride bike through this one. At first I had a kin interest to have a bike of Naked Sports but I was not so experienced on the matter of riding so by considering this matter I made my decision to have Yamaha FZ V3. I have using this one from the last 21 days and ridden it around 700 kilometers. Whatever I gained by using this one in last period of time, I am to share with you through MotorcycleValley.
Engine of my bike is very smooth and clean and this will be understood just by starting the engine. It’s really hard making you to believe unless you have a touch over this one. On the other hand, engine performance is good enough in my point of view and its throttle response is quite amazing which is up to 80 kilometers per hour. I hardly can sense any vibration in the engine even on the high RPM.
Build quality is more than good enough in my point of view so far. At the same time, the plastics over my bike are strong enough to support for a long time I think. Meanwhile, seating position is comfortable for both the rider and the pillion and because this one is not made with the split seating position which make me feel the exact comfort. Suspensions are just perfect with the shape of this bike why because those hardly make me feel the condition of the roads wherever I go. As because the handlebar is up right which merely let me feel any tiredness even after riding this bike for long time and the switches located on the handlebar are made with ultra modern touch which are really amazing to look at. I had an excellent experience while riding my motorcycle on the city or highway in the night time. Especially the newly decorated meter panel looks like really special and the headlight let me see the whole thing very clearly. These are the key reasons to feel the exact feelings of riding a premium bike on night.
When to talk about the breaking system of my motorcycle then I have to confess that this one has the touch of modernism on its controlling ability. This one is not only made with the double disc but also this one has single channel ABS which let ride this one tension wherever I go or whatever the road condition is. I hardly tried for to pick up the top speed on my bike but once I checked with heavy throttle that this one was running 105 kilometers per hour then. Tyres grip is perfect enough to have the proper control over this one in my view.
Its FI Engine always helps me to have better mileage range. Right now, I am having 46 kilometers per liter and this scale is an average mark on the cities and also on highway.
One of the most important parts of a bike is its price and I think the price this motorcycle possesses, is finely exacted with this one.
Some of the good sides of my Yamaha FZ v3 which I have measured in the last 21 days:
-Its design is just eye snatching
-Suspensions are just expected as a brand like Yamaha
-Mileage range is up to the mark
-Control is fine enough in all short of conditions
-Breaking is fine enough
-Throttle response is pretty amazing in the low speed.
Negative sides:
-Its speed would have been higher from the current mark.