In my point of view Yamaha R15 V3 is one of the most precious bike that our country ever seen. I am using this bike for 8 months and already travelled 5000 kilometers. Today I will share some of own experiences about this bike. Before I start let me share a story.
When I first saw this bike I was determined whenever I have the same amount of the price tag in my hand I will not think twice. As I said, I was fully determined and 8 months back I had the money and nothing was able to stop me. I visited Rajshahi showroom, but they didn’t have the Monster edition, I am not going to buy another one. So, I visited Dhaka. After searching a lot I found the official monster edition at Crescent. Monster edition was literally out of stock, but my luck was fortunate that time.
Okay enough of storytelling let me tell you guys some good sides of this bike.
-Best part of this bike is balance and controlling. It is a fairing and pure sports bike, but I never feel I am losing control over it, because of the brakes and overall body dimension.
-No one can say this bike is not beautiful enough to catch the eyes. I am literally a fan of the design.
-Dual Channel ABS has added more efficiency to this bike.
-This bike is comfortable to me. Firstly I faced a bit problem, but after I become used to of it I am now very much comfortable.
-Mileage is another best thing I am having from this bike. I am getting more than 45 KM/L mileage. Really unbelievable.
-Powerful Fi engine is offering me a fantastic performance. Every time I start the ignition I am getting the same. Not only the mileage, but also the speed is perfect.
I didn’t liked a few things about this bike:
-Headlamp is not powerful
-Build quality should have been more sturdy
I travelled a few long journeys with this bike, though not that much long because of the COVID situation. However, 150-200 kilometers a day was my highest till now, and I am was fully satisfied with my bike. One day I gradually started accelerating this bike and the speed was 137 KM/H. if I try to check the top speed it will be more.
So, this was my short experiences about my V3. Hope it will be helpful for the V3 lovers.