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8 out of 10

Zaara 100cc bike ownership review by MD. Salah Uddin

Dear friends, I am MD. Salah Uddin. I am from Puthia Rajshahi. I am a businessman. I have a medicine shop in puthia bust stand. It is M/S Salahuddin Drug House. I will share you bike riding experience. My Bike is “Zaara 100cc”.
I start my career as a book seller. After that, I joined as a MR(Medical Representative). As a MR, I have ride bikes day after day. Brand and model also changed when I switched to another organization. So, I have ride Hero Honda Splendor Plus, Hero Honda Passion Pro, Bajaj Platina 100cc etc. I have ride on highway, in the village road, in the broken road. I have ride on almost every types of road.
I start my own business. It is a drug shop. My residence is little away from my shop. I have faced problem to go home to launch, or in the midnight. Then I realize that, I need a personal vehicle. I have not such amount of deposited money that I can buy a bike. I was not interested to buy a old or used bike. The price of Indianian bike is out of reach for me. The reputation of Chinese bike in the market is not good. So, I was in confusion.
Why I have chosen Zaara 100cc?
I have the limitation of finance, but I want a quality bike. So, I am searching for a quality Chinese bike. In our areas, I have seen lots of Zaara 100cc bikes. Many of our friends and relatives have bought it. I asked them about it's quality. They inform me that they are satisfied with this bike. One day I ride this bike of my friend and I feel very comfort on it. Then I decided to buy this bike. Tithy Enterprise, Puthia, Rajshahi helps me a lot to buy this bike. They provide me 2 years installment facility with minimum down payment. My bike price was Taka 107000.00
My experiences
I have ride first 500km within 50km/h speed. I did not ride with pillion on that time. After that, I am riding it normally. Till now, it did not make any problem. Many persons discourage me to buy Chinese bike that bike will be damaged soon. It will be never fuel efficient bike. But I am happy to say that, nothing is happened yet.
I have used to move from home-shop-home. Besides it, I have ride to go Natore, Rajshahi and some villages that are 10-20km away from my home. I have ride it alone and some times with pillion. Its performance is excellent. I love its speed and control. I have ride 70-80km/h. Engine sound was smooth on that time. Control of the bike is satisfactory. I have ride on highway, broken road, village road and even muddy road. I can ride it comfortingly. It is decorated with modern design. Build with strong body parts and other equipments. Bright and powerful headlight provides enough lights in night. Spacious long seats made it comfortable both for rider and pillion. I feel more comfortable on it from Bajaj Platina 100cc bike.
Strong and durable
Comfortable and controllable
Powerful engine with sufficient speed.
Eye catchy modern design.
It has no disc brake
Feel discomfort on gear shifting
There is no limit of goodness. So, try to buy a best bike within your capability. Performance and durability depends on your maintenance. If you care it, it will care you. It is not depends, where it is made from?