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Bike Tips

5 things to do to get more mileage

For those who uses their bike for daily communicate and for basic work, mileage of the bike is a very important issue for them...

English Bangla
Helmet using tips in winter season

Now a days there is winter season in our country, and for deep cold and foggy weather we have some problems with riding bikes ...

English Bangla
Tips for riding in foggy weather

Currently, the country is going through winter season, in this season we can see foggy weather, mostly in Highway roads and ru...

English Bangla
Some tips for bike care in flood conditions

Currently there is a severe flood situation in the country, and many parts of the country are inundated, the water is crossing...

English Bangla
Whether to change oil filter while changing engine oil

After a certain time we have to change the engine oil of our bike, if we go to the nearest service center or mechanic, they ch...

English Bangla
How to break the bike safely

The most important thing on a bike is its brakes, and braking is also very important for safe riding. But when it comes to bik...

English Bangla
Bike Maintenance Tips during Monsoon

In daily use of the bike, we need some maintenance but, during the rainy season, we need to take special care of the bike, bec...

English Bangla
Riding tips in summer season

Currently, the country is experiencing summer, but because of that, bikers will not stop, we have to use bikes for our daily w...

English Bangla
Things to look after Eid journey on bike

The month of Ramadan is almost at the end and after a few days the holy Eid-ul-Fitr, many of us are preparing to return home b...

English Bangla
Important maintenance tips for a bike

Maintenance is very important for long-term use of a bike, because if you do not take care of the bike, you will not get good ...

English Bangla

Bike News

Diversifying the uses of E-Driving

There was a time when E-Driving license’s only use was on the road transport and vehicles but right now, the authority has t...

English Bangla
Driving License and Motorcycle Registration Fee at a Glance

You must have a legal driving license and motorcycle registration while riding your motorcycle. At present, the Government of ...

English Bangla
Bajaj Driving License Fee Free Offer

One of the most popular brand is Bangladesh is Bajaj and now you are going to have you driving license fee free by purchasing ...

English Bangla
Yamaha Driving License Offer

From the 16th November you will get driving license fee offer by purchasing any Yamaha bikes. This offer available for limited...

English Bangla
Class held at Motolab about Importance of Traffic Law and Driving License

Yesterday 14-12-2018 another successful theoretical class was organized by team motorcycle valley and sponsored by Lifan. ...

English Bangla
Motorcyclevalley starts Free Motorcycle Driving Training School

Motorcycle Valley has officially inaugurated free motorcycle riding training school with admitting students in the 1st of Ja...

English Bangla
Runner Motorcycle Driving Training Centers

Most of the rider in our country learn to bike ride from their father relative friend or close one to them. Just a little practice...

English Bangla
Motorcycle Dealers and Showrooms in Bangladesh
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