Motorbike riding tips in night

Some important instruction regarding bike riding in the time of night are discussed below.
In the city
Generally, we have seen city roads remain full of vehicles. So it is not easy for the rider to drive their bike in their own style and when we are discussing about riding in night then it becomes more risky for the rider. Total risk free riding is not possible if we follow some rules and regulation than some risk can be minimize.
1. \'\'Head light\'\' known as life line for the rider in the time of night. Head light needs to keep in downwards. That will help you to get clear front view as well as in terms of other riders.
2. Speed is a big factor of safe riding. We all want to ride our bike with speed and at the same time safely but first riding is always associates with risk. In night darkness adds extra flavor of risk. In night we do not have clear view as like day. In that case it\'s become difficult for the biker to control their bike properly. So it is better for the biker to ride their bike in controllable speed or lower speed, compare to day time, in night.
In rural road
Though roads of rural areas are not so much busy like urban roads but that does not means, rural roads are risk free. Generally in our country most of the village roads are made of soil and usually do not have light post unlike urban road. As a result biker has to face problems in rainy session as well as in the time of night. So some important matter needs to remember in the time of riding.
1. Should use helmet with glass or any bike riding glass. As we generally seen in the time of night village roads remain dark unlike city roads, so that when any light been seen many insect come closer to the light that makes huge difficulty for the bike rider. Therefore, to prevent from that type of awkward situation helmet or riding glass is mandatory to use in the time of night riding in the village roads.
2. In rainy session soil roads become so much slippery and have various hole in that case it’s become very difficult for the rider to control their bike. So need to drive in a controllable speed.
I think most difficult place of bike riding in the time of night is highway. During the time of night heavy vehicles like truck, bus, big cargo vehicles are moves with high speed in highway. So, safety is come fist along with riding rules of highway.
1. Dear bike rider; do not forget to have helmet with glass in the time of bike riding in highways whether it is day or night. Helmet can save your life in dangerous situation. But try to avoid using sun light protected helmet and black color helmet in night because sun light protected glass does not gives clear view compare to general helmet and black color lose in dark that make difficulty for the front driver to identify. According to the expert red color helmet is perfect for using in the time of night.
2. We should follow and used all necessary light properly. Generally horn does not use in the time of night. Driver uses light, as a symbol, to communicate with other drivers. So it is important to know about the use of light.
Passing light: you can use passing light to overtake any vehicles or if you seen any vehicles showing passing light to you then should provides space to that vehicles to pass.
Indicator light: not only in our bike but also in all vehicles have indicator light that gives indication to the other vehicles about your movement. Usually used right indicator to go right direction as well as used left indicator to move right side.
Fog light: in winter session fume fall heavily after sun set that provides unclear views which means high probability of accident. To avoid any major occurrence fog light plays a vital role. Through the fog light other rider get know about you presence.
Happy and safe riding.