Motorcycle accidents have become a daily occurrence in our country. Despite the various measures taken by the government, the number of bike accidents is not decreasing so that the number of bike accidents is increasing day by day, along with the increase in the number of disabled and mourn of the relatives. We are “Team Motorcycle Valley” spoke to a few experienced riders who have had an accident and tried to identify one of the causes of the accident, which is outlined below.
Roads are not so safe
One of the main reasons for bike accidents is that the roads are not safe. You need to be aware of whether the road you are riding your bike on is broken or not, whether the road is suitable for movement of people, vehicles, livestock move on the road. If you ride on an unfamiliar road, you will notice that you cannot adapt to the environment on that road. Any people, vehicles, cattle, etc are suddenly coming in front of you. That’s why we say to ride at unfamiliar roads at safe speeds. Neither the highways nor the local highways of our country are 100% safe because of the reckless speed on the highways and the uncontrolled movement of rickshaws, autos etc. on the city or local roads.
On the other hand, if you are just learning to ride a bike and are on the road, you need to keep a close eye on nearby vehicles, people, animals, etc., and their simple unsafe movement can lead to your accident. No matter how careful you are, if someone else comes and pushes you, it will not take long for you to be harmed.
Reckless speed
Reckless speed is a big reason for bike accidents. The highest cc of motorcycles in our country is 165cc but there are some premium bikes in these 165cc which have much higher speed. We must say that the bike needs speed but it depends on the situation. Your biggest foolishness is if you ride the bike at over speed on narrow roads. On the other hand, there will be pedestrians on the streets and they will be neglected. With all these things in mind, you have to speed on the road. At present there are some express highways in our country which are suitable for speeding but caution has to be exercised there too as the population density of our country is so high that it is normal for anyone to cross the road at any moment. You have to ride with all these things in mind. If you ride at a reckless speed without realizing it, the risk of an accident is high.
Other incompetent drivers on the road
In our country, the number of vehicles on the road is increasing day by day. We notice that most drivers are riding on the road inefficiently and the risk to the lives of others is increasing. Bike riders also need to be careful in this regard because bikes are the smallest vehicles on the road and large vehicles do not care about the bike and do not give the side. Incompetent drivers do not realize how much space they need so they use more space than they need. It is often seen that our motorcycles are at higher speeds and vehicles coming from the opposite direction come to the front with more pressure or more space on the road and there is no space for the bikes to move. That is why in case of bike ride, you have to ride on the road keeping in mind the issue of this incompetent driver.
Do not wearing helmets and safety gears
Helmets are extremely important safety features for a biker because it protects our head from injury. Those of us who ride bikes must buy a good quality certified helmet before buying a bike. If you have a bike accident without wearing a helmet, you will face big problems and that accident can be a threat to your life. Looking at the streets of our country, it can be seen that riding a bike without a helmet has become a fashion. Many are reluctant to wear helmets.
On the other hand, if you ride your bike wearing safety gears, if you get a slight injury, it will eliminate a lot of due to safety gears and you may be protected from major damage. If there is a big accident and there is nothing to do with the safety gears, then it is entirely up to you. However, wearing a helmet and safety gears increases your riding concentration and confidence. The use of these safety gears and helmets on the roads of our country is not as noticeable as many people lose their lives and get paralyzed in bike accidents.
Excessive overtaking and over competition
Excessive overtaking and unhealthy competition are what we see all the time. What is the top speed of the car? Many bikers engage in ill competition with various issues such as whose bike will go first. If we look at the social media we can see that there is a lot of chatter about the top speed of the bike and who can go before whom and the video is uploaded. Seeing this, another person tried to do the same with his bike. It is a mistake to do so, because you will notice that the person you are inspired to watch the video is very good at it, so you should always try to keep the bike under your control or overtaking. In our opinion, it is better to stay away from overtaking and competition because the roads of our country are still not suitable for competition or excessive overtaking.
Ways to keep away from bike accident
We discussed in the above section what the common causes of bike accidents are. This time we will discuss the way to keep away from this accident.
-You must ride a bike wearing a helmet and safety gear. If possible, buy good quality certified helmets and safety gear from the market as they have a lot of safety features.
-Ride the bike under your control. Don't over speed the bike even if you make a mistake on an unfamiliar empty road.
-Observe the movement of the vehicle coming from the front and give him as much road as you need.
-Beware of early morning bike rides as many vehicles come from far away at this time and they cannot sleep despite having a lot of sleep in the eyes of those drivers. So they will try to get to his destination quickly and you will not notice it is normally.
-Refrain from unnecessary competition. If you have good riding skills then try to compete by maintaining everything and don't be inspired by watching videos of our neighboring country India because their road situation and our road situation are different.
-During the ride on the village road, make sure that there are no cattle, people or anything left in front of you. It is often seen that paddy is spread to dry on the streets. As soon as you see these, bring your bike under control.
-On a rainy day, ride on all the roads that are full of potholes. Because you don't know where there are more holes and less holes.
-On the 4 lane road, keep an eye on whether any vehicle is coming from the opposite direction.
Above all, ride the bike praying to the Great Creator. Hopefully you can reach your destination safely if you ride your bike knowing the rules and regulations of the road. One thing to keep in mind is that if you ride a bike at high speed you will reach your destination 5 minutes earlier and if you ride under control you will reach 5 minutes later safely, that is the difference. There are many other things besides the ones we have discussed. Team Motorcycle Valley wishes you a beautiful and enjoyable ride.