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Helmet using tips in winter season


Helmet using tips in winter season


Now a days there is winter season in our country, and for deep cold and foggy weather we have some problems with riding bikes in night and days, heavy vehicles and some other vehicles are not moving properly just because of the foggy weather, accident also causes in this situation, bike car and other vehicles also having this trouble, so we must have to be aware about this weather condition.

Most common problem in this weather is:

• We can’t see anything properly, because of fog.

• Helmet visor are also get foggy

These things are very common but it causes many accidents, so need to be aware about this.

Helmet using tips:

• The most important thing during fog is to control the speed, because accidents are most common due to poor visibility, and this problem is most happen due to not being able to control the speed during an accidents, so you must control the speed of the bike.

• If you use a certified helmet, then try to use a anti-fog/pinlock visor will solve this problem, as a result of using a pinlock visor, some parts of your helmet will be clearly visible in fog and water.

• There are two types of pinlock visors, pinlock 30 & pinlock 70, so make sure to choose the one your helmet supports first.

So these are the tips for using helmet in winter or in foggy weather, we may see many accident causes for this kind of situation, to prevent from bike accident you must follow these tips.

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