Two wheeler start with bicycle and only through the curiosity people set engines to it and the time was “Internal combustion engine's” it was really amazing for those people and they set bigger engine to the bicycle but the performance was horrible only due to the terrible shake of it. Same thing happen when they turn left or right, some of them broke their bone by falling from it. It was in the middle of 19th century and few time gone with the think of its solution then some people came forward to solve the by designing some parts which made it easy.
We were talking about the suspensions and its history, lets take a look what is suspensions and how it works:
What is suspensions and why?
The parts of motorcycle we called as the spring that is widely known as the suspensions or sock absorber. It works vividly mainly to reduce the shake and keep connection with the wheel and surface. You never stop your bike in emergency if your is not good.
In this time “Coil spring suspensions” is widely used in the back wheel and the front wheel maximum time concealed in the fork tube. It mainly decided by the type of motorcycle. Dirt bike has the most travel ratio 12 inch and cruiser has the less only 3 inch.
If your bike move in this ratio then it is “BOTTOMING” you better change the suspensions immediately. This going to effect direct to your breaking system. You can see our article on this topic.

At first “Girder Fork” was designed to use in the front wheel. It was totally like the structure of a bicycle. Very next “Damper” was used for better control. This used last time in the time 1950's “Superbike” “the Vincent Black Shadow” which can speed up easily 200 kilometer per hour. Due to some problem those suspensions never used again, the main problem on the turning of this bike. But still this suspension used in “The Confederate Wraith”

“Springer Fork” we can say as the copy of “Girder Fork” you can see this in the chopper type bike. There is some difference in the design but all the problems remain in it. Thats why it never used in modern bikes.

It was 1918. Motorcycles only 20 years or so. “Carl Neracher” create a bike which was advance then the time and the bike was “Ner-a-Car” which was 221cc, two stroke, monocoque chassis and its steering was very near to belly. Only in 6 years he sold 17,000 bikes in America and Europe. Famous for its stability and rear suspension-less till 1925. Sprung swinging arm in the front wheel gives it a whole new look. “Carl Neracher” is the man who change the view of front suspension and use “Sprung swinging arm” light weight, better control, not conjuncted directly to the handle and this way it is very much shock absorber. In 1960 “Suzuki” use swing arm suspension in “Suzuki GT550” and gain popularity.
The advantage of using Swing arm suspension in the front wheel, you will get better control and performance from your bike. Later “Honda” “Yamaha” also apply this technique on their racing bike.
At present, almost 90% of bikes made with “Telescopic Front Suspension” this is just like the technology of a telescope. Which made with an excellent adjustment for absorbing the shock of the road in heavy speed.
It is guessed that in the year of 1932 “Messerschmitt’s M29” plane had a relation on the landing purpose with this suspension. In 1932 Fisker & Nielsen (Nilfisk vacuum cleaner) company made a decision to produce “Nimbus” motorcycle. They are the first one who used telescopic fork and it was Oil damped telescopic fork. It was a new door for the front suspension. In the time of 1934-1960 “Fisker & Nielson” sold 12000 bikes and 4000 of them still running. “BMW” first use “Telescopic fork suspension” in the year 1935 in the model “R12” and “R17” and the type was “Hydraulically damped telescopic fork” next 20 years they don't even think about the front suspension only due to the excellency of that suspension.
Telescopic fork suspension have many problems on the time of breaking and control but it is cheap in price, bright in view and complete in itself. On the other hand, “Girder forks” is far better then this one, specially who love style.
By following BMW, many of the famous brands now using “Telescopic fork” but interesting matter is “BMW” stop using it after 1955 but others don't rather they continue their research on the development of “Telescopic fork”. Suspension drive reduced by using progressive fork spring. Some people try to enhance the spring rate by using pressurized air.
BMW again start to use “Telescopic fork” in 1968 and use it in their all bikes till 1970.
In 1969 Honda use TRAC – Torque Reactive Anti-dive Control technology telescopic fork by which they able to control the suspension drive.
In the decade of 1980 “Kaowasaki” add “AVDS – Automatic Variable Damping System” in telescopic fork. Hydrolic pressure is used in here. Telescopic forks drive controlled while breaking. Yamaha and Suzuki also use use this technology.
Yamaha use BASS (Brake Actuated Suspension System) in the middle of the 90's decade. By which they save telescopic fork from unexpected drive.
With the variation of the time, there is a huge change came in the bikes. Once telescopic fork used in the rear part of the brass handle now above the wheel. Modern super bikes now use this technology.
In the decade of 80's Saxon-Motodd made a viwable change on the telescopic fork. They set it on the front wheel by using a bearing and other part adjusted to the pivot point. They set a spring dumper on the handle brass as well. Its an excellent and effective anti-drive system. BMW use this technology in the “Telelever” model in 1994. Interesting matter is, this technology yet not used by any heavyweight brand.
At the last we can say, from the last 100 years telescopic fork using by the companies with its proud air. So far there is nothing can challenge it. And now telescopic fork is in the top of its performance. Almost everything has done for its best. Research is going on about the suspensions new technology. Who knows, what is going to capture the position of the telescopic suspension.