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How to break the bike safely


How to break the bike safely


The most important thing on a bike is its brakes, and braking is also very important for safe riding. But when it comes to bike riding, many of us pay more attention to the speed than the brakes of the bike, and as a result accidents often occur, we make some common mistakes in braking on the bike, today we will discuss how to brake safely on the bike.

• Bike brakes are very important thing so always keep the bike brakes in good condition, and do its maintenance on time.

• No matter what type of brakes your bike has, you will always try to have both brakes together, and the ratio of braking will be 60-40.

• Never apply a brake suddenly or too hard, this may cause the bike wheel to skid and cause an accident.

• Clay, soil, sand. Keep your speed low on wet roads, and brake very carefully.

• Even if the ABS brake is very careful, overconfidence can cause damage later, so ride the bike by maintaining a safe distance.

• Clean the bike's disc brakes, or drum brakes regularly, and change the brake pads or brake-su on time.

• Change bike tires when they expire, and keep the bike tire pressure as prescribed by the company.

Here are some tips for safe braking, hope you find them useful, thanks.

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