Good service from the bike and timely maintenance of the bike is important. For both a bike and a biker, a good service technician, who is skilled, is important for maintenance, Today we will discuss how you can find a competent mechanic for your bike.
• How a mechanic behaves with his customers is very important, as usage gives an idea of his personality and work style and quality.
• In a service center it is very important whether the mechanic is aware of the latest technology device and how to use it.
• Check whether he is aware of the technology of the bike you use, and whether he has the necessary tools to service the bike.
• Many technicians do the work in their workshop with unskilled mechanics instead of doing the work themselves, by doing this you will not get good service from the bike, as well as there is a possibility of damage to the importance of the bike.

• At present some updated bikes need to be serviced with special tools, such tools are not available in all service centers, if your bike is FI (Fuel Injection) technology then you must check whether FI cleaner is available before servicing.
• If possible service the bike from the service center recommended by the company for your bike by doing this you will get better service from the bike.
• If service is done from an outside service center, make sure that the engine oil or other items found there are original or not.
• Before doing any important work on the bike, always consult an experienced mechanic to do the work.
This was our topic for today, hope you all like it