How to prevent motorcycle accidents

Let the journey be start with safety
Check your motorcycle parts such as brakes, chain, lights, oil, tyre pressure etc and then start the engine for your journey. Adjust the bike stand perfectly to its position before you turn your motorcycle. Wear helmet, gloves, and shoes during motorcycle riding.
Restrict the speed
By exhilarating the pickup we can increase the motorcycles speed, so riding at good speed is not the credit of the rider it is motorcycle credit. But riding with safety is the credit of motorcycle riders. That is why restrict your motorcycle speed which you can control.
Try to avoid sudden braking
Brakes are used for the safety but sudden and hard braking can call the danger and accident may occurs. Bike tyre may skid at the average speed for sudden of hard braking, so at top speed bigger thing will happen for sure.
Stay conscious about the mud, sand and oil
Those roads which are muddy or sand and oil fall in them are very risky for motorcycle riding because any time motorcycle can slip at the middle of these type of roads. if it is possible then avoid these roads or drive very carefully.
Watch out from the aged peoples, women, children and animals
When you are crossing the roads be concern about the aged people, women and children, if you saw them slow down your speed and ride carefully. Sometimes animals are seen beside the roads, so if you see then slow down and cross them with carefully.
Watch the side roads
Be concerned about crossing side roads at the highways, because sometimes, other vehicles like Cars, Rickshaw, bicycle etc move toward and the possibility of accidents increases.
Turnings are death subway
At the turnings of any kinds of roads accidents occurs often, so slow down the motorcycle when you pass the turnings and pass through carefully. Do not use the brakes at the turning period because your motorcycle may slip. Overtaking tendency will bring risks for you at this time, so do not think of it because you will not be able to see what is there at the front of you.
Maintain safe distance
Every vehicle didn’t have the same controlling. Four wheelers can be stooped faster than motorcycle. So motorcycle users need to maintain safe distance if they ride motorcycle toward the back of these vehicles.
Use the signal lights for turning of changing lanes
If you need to change the lanes or need to turn then use the turning or signal lights properly and watch at mirror what is behind you.
Over take when you can
Avoid high speed. If you want to overtake a vehicle then give appropriate signal, watch your right side and see it is free or not following that watch something is coming or not from the front after that you can you can overtake.
Change the brakes, tyre and tube before it is necessary
This side is really important for motorcycle and for this don’t feel sluggish to change the tyres, tubes, and the brakes in time. For better performance at the rainy season and to prevent accidents you can lessen the tyre pressure.
Be watchful at the speed breakers
Most of the Bangladeshi speed breakers are not colorful; at the unknown roads these speed breakers are very risky. That is why at unidentified roads if you find this thing suddenly then do not hit the brakes very hard, decrease the speed, and if you can’t control the speed then hold the handle very tight and straight and lift up your body a little bit at the foot stand. if you do it will reduce your accident chances. Hard braking at this situation is very risky, because you may go down and bigger accident can take place.
Don’t be at the blind spot
There are few places for the big vehicles like Bus, Trucks, Lorry and such others where the driver can’t watch and that is called blind spot. Keep away from these spots and try to stay in front of the driver’s eye and you will be safe.
Stay safe, Stay happy.