There is no denying that riding a motorcycle is thrilling for actual motorcycle lovers. Whenever we want to get rid of the turmoil of city life, we start visualizing about going on a trip. Just imagine the day being perfect and the wind is just right! So, it can be your lucky day to take your bike and hope on for a ride. But that can only be possible until the weather is not forcing you to stop. If you start feeling cold in the middle of nowhere then what will you do?In winter riding a bike means many things to consider in mind. Sometimes rainfall is a big problem and also may happen in winter and turned into a disaster. Well, we have very little control over the weather as a biker, but we can have control over the cold by keeping ourselves warm while riding and be prepared for any type of nasty situation in winter. Not only the rain, excessive wind flow, foggy conditions many situations can ascend in winter days. This is something that new riders must beaware of. Which is why we prepared this article to let the bikers know about few things and the following tips should help the riders stay warm on a cold motorcycle ride in winter and even in cold weather of any season.
Wearing layers of clothes can keep us warm:
First things first, we cannot assume that if we are going out on a sunny day for a motorcycle ride it will stay warm all the day. In winter various things can arrive without a notice, which we have already noted at the very beginning. If that type of situation occurs what we can do? Therefore, it is better to be prepared for the worst. Hence, you should properly isolate yourself with a layer of warm clothes. When you are starting the journey wearing layers of clothes will keep you warm and whenever you will feel extreme heat you can always remove some layers, but you will have protection in the event that it stays cold.
Keeping yourself dry is a good option to stay warm:
Nothing can be such annoying as accidental wetness. It doesn’t mean that we never swim, or take shower, but those are planned. Just think, you went for long ride in winter, or cloudy days. On that time unwanted rain just took place. You don’t have any place to take shelter and you just have to be face that disturbing circumstance. Being wet in the winter not only happens because of the rain, it can also happen because of riding in dense foggy conditions as well. Consequently, both the cold weather and wetness will be enough to give you feeling chilled right to the bone. So, how do you keep yourself dry on a motorcycle? Well, there are rain suits available that are designed specifically for this purpose. Wear one to stay warm on a cold motorcycle ride and maintain yourself dry even in rain.
Choose right outfit:
Wearing clothes is important to ride in winter, or cold conditions, but that has to be appropriate. To stay warm on a winter motorcycle ride, you need to keep the wind out. You can only do this if you wear appropriate clothing. You can go for layers of regular t-Shirts, or other normal fabric clothes, but that will not going to help you. Well, for the bikers there is no shortage of clothes that are designed for this purpose. To stay warm, heavy type wind protection and cold protection jackets like lather, or that type of material are necessary. Leather jacket, gloves and shoesare essential clothing to protect yourself from cold and wind. So you must choose them. Besides, get denims and boots that are designed for riding. You can choose a scarf to wear for your neck, full gloves and full face helmets are must.
Try to use windshield for your bike:
Most of the time we buy a bike without any type of windshield. Because it doesn’t look that much smarter. But a windshield can be useful when we go on long trips. Visualize you are riding for kilometers in winter with the wind blowing on your face! As a result, you may catch cold and it is enough for your tiredness as well. So, if you want to have a good riding experience in cold weathers it is better to have a windshield for your bike. You can easily find aftermarket windshields for most of the bikes. Get one that you can remove if it’s not needed and you should be good to go. Wind shields are a good way of staying warm on a winter motorcycle ride.
Stop the air flow from getting in
Accordingly, we have discussed about what kind of clothing you should wear for winter riding. So, get gloves, jackets and everything else that we mentioned here, but it is not going to be helpful if you allow cold air to get in. So, you should make sure that all your clothes are sealed tight, so no air can get in or out. Wear clothes that overlap, so there are no gaps where your skin is exposed.
Check the weather before you start your journey:
Sometimes we do not have a choice instead of going out for a ride with bikes in winter. Even passionate riders loves to ride in winter. But we cannot go against the weather, we have to go with it. Therefore, it is better to check the weather before starting things off. For instance, if the weather forecast says there is a decent possibility of rainfall today and still you are going out on that day for a motorcycle ride you will surely face different sort of problems. That is also a good way of getting yourself despondently wet and cold. So, you need to check the weather forecast before starting out. It will be safe for you and you can stay warm. If you are determined then at least be aware of thunderstorm or snowfall.
Bikers who loves riding will not stop riding whether it is winter, or summer. But the thing is riding in winter is comparatively difficult and we need different sort of protections for staying warm and stay fit for riding. The given tips above might be at help for riding in winter, besides there are many more tips and tricks that can allow you to ride in winter, or cold weather. Always make sure you are staying warm while riding in winter, unless that ride can bring you unwanted troubles.