Importance of Motorcycle Seat Height

What is saddle height and impotence of saddle height?
Saddle or Seat height is the measurement from the lowest part of a motorcycle to the seat, when the motorcycle stand steel on the road. Here stand steel means when motorcycle is standing at the two tyres not side or double stand. Saddle or seat height differ with different motorcycle model, suspension system etc and the seat height measurement is counted by millimeter.
Different saddle height in different motorcycles:
Saddle height differs with different type of bike because of situation demand. Different motorcycles are made for different situation for the riders. Among them many types of motorcycles included. Such as cruiser bike, sports bike, of road bike etc lets see why the saddle height of these motorcycles vary.
Sports bike:
Sports bike is one of the most charming motorcycles for the riders because of its looks and performance. Generally the saddle height of this bikes are a little bit higher then the other motorcycles. Because this motorcycles need more ground clearance for turning at the small and narrow roads with speed?
Cruiser bike:
Generally we can see that cruiser motorcycles saddle height is much lower then the other motors running at the street. Because the engine of these motorcycles are very powerful and larger than other motorcycle engines. So for covering the engine the saddle of these motorcycles are much larger and lower. These motorcycles are also made for long root journey. So for comfortable and smooth journey these bikes saddle are made lower than the other motorcycles.
Off-road bikes:
Because these motorcycle are made to protect the rider from mud and dust the saddle height of these motorcycle are much higher. Riders of these motorcycles can easily ride these type of motorcycles on the of-road because of higher saddle easily. These motorcycles looks like horse ride but when a rider ride on it, because of suspension system and the weight of the rider made the saddle so comfortable for riding.
What is the relation between biker and saddle height:
There is a interact relation between biker and saddle height. Because for comfortable riding riders should be concern about saddle height. High saddle motorcycle is for Tall riders for their comfortable and safety ride. And lower saddle height motorcycles is for the short riders. Because if tall riders ride at lower saddle motorcycle they will definitely face some problems. It will also happen with short riders if they ride high saddle motorcycle. So motorcycle choosing is one of the most important things for a rider.