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Meanings of Road Surface Lines


Meanings of Road Surface Lines

On our way to different destinations we often see yellow or white lines divide the black street. You must observed that, sometimes these lines are yellow, from time to time it is white, like the color sometimes we see straighter line and sometimes it is separated. Now the question is why these lines are put into the roads? What is the meaning of these lines? Every single line is important and all of them have different meaning of their own. Without understanding those meaning driver can fall into an awful accident. Every single line informs the rider some special signal or warning. So let us be introduce with all these yellow and white lines of the road.

White line
Two types of white line are seen at the roads. One is straight white line and other one is divided which means interrupted/ broken line. White line specifies the driver’s lane, which means all the warning sign and signals of that lane. These lines are generally used at those roads which contains more than one lane.

Straight white line
Straight white line middle of the road means, rider cannot change the riding lane any time. Generally at busy roads or which roads contain speedy vehicles, this white line can be seen.

Without this reason for restrict the rider these lines are used as the side lines of the roads, which means riders cannot cross these lines during riding. If technical problem occurs or need to slow down the vehicle then it can be crossed. Many highways include narrow paths besides these side lines.

Broken white line
Broken white line at the roads mean rider can change the lane of his vehicle or overtake but the road needed to be the road safe in condition or empty. If the rider thinks of himself and is clear in his mind to overtake or change the lane then he can do. When the rider will change the lane they need to turn on the turning lights to inform the other vehicles.

Yellow line
When vehicles pass through each other in one road then these yellow lines are used at the middle of the road. Yellow line usually indicates overtaking related safety signs and signals. Few kinds of yellow line can be seen at the roads, such as straight line, two straight lines together and broken yellow line.

Straight yellow line
This line means a vehicle can overtake others but they cannot exit the yellow line and they need to be concern about it.

Double straight yellow lines
Two yellow lines at the middle of the road mean no chance of overtaking. In highways and at the busy roads these lines can be seen.

Broken yellow line
These broken yellow lines denote that vehicles can overtake each other if necessary but in that case they need to concern about the vehicle which is coming from the front.

Straight and broken yellow line
Sometime the combination of straight and broken yellow line is seen. If the straight line is placed at the rider’s side and then the broken line, it means they cannot overtake. Other side if the broken line is placed first then the straight one it means they can overtake.

Final words
Only two colors, white and yellow but the uses are many. In our country almost drivers did not know about these lines, and if they know they do not maintain these rules. Sometimes if they want to follow these rules but they cannot because of those riders who didn’t know the meaning of these lines. Traffic rules or traffic signs are used for good. Following them can ensure our and others safety.

Let us follow the traffic rules and make our ride roads.

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