Motorcycle Braking Tips

We have already mentioned that bike riding is very much difficult then other vehicle and the reason behind this difficulty is the balance and the combination of the braking devices of the front and rare wheel. Many biker fall in accident due to fail to balance the brakes. If you have recently change your bike, then you better practice this properly.
Our topic is about the right use of brakes in different situation of different bikes:
Braking and grip:
As you can see in the top that there are so many matter related with the braking system. Grip is one major part of the braking system. More griping is good more braking.
Grip is like friction and works like resistance of the surface. You have to understand your bikes griping ability otherwise this will very easy to face accident on the road. In a word, you have to know your bike properly.
Grip and weight:
To control your bike, this two things have heavy important. In a heavy bike, grip of the tire is easy to get and so easily you can control this. On the other hand, light weight bike will act totally opposite of this.
That means heavy weight gives heavy braking?
This is very normal to think this way and it is good to say that a heavy load running vehicle not going to stop at once but you will feel safe when you try to stop this for the friction of the road. All you have to do, keep hard braking systems if your bike is heavy weighty.
Weight and brake:
There is no reason to be happy with the thought that your bike is heavy because you are also on the bike and you have to stop both of you. It is good to say that all the weight divide in two parts on the front wheel and in the rare wheel.
You will have all the information in the later part of this article.
No weight no grip:
This is a eternal truth which can easily measure by a biker. As you can see in the bike stunt where, one wheel is folded in the air and the question is about the brake of this wheel. Is it going to work? Answer is “never” to stop your bike you need both the surface of the road and grip/weight as well.
Same time you have to care about your safety as well when you aware about the folded wheel. Never pull the brake of that wheel with the surface. You can imagine what going to happen next if you do so.
If the wheel get locked:
Some time weight balance between the wheels is not equal and most often it happen when rider run their bike in the bad conditioned road. If you feel hesitate in that situation then you must face a serious damage for it. Most of the experience bikers are well known with the term “fish tailing” most often this happen in the muddy sticky way. You have lost the control of your bike and maximum time rare wheel slips to the front.
And to get rid of this situation you have to follow this article, later we will inform you about the solution.
Suspension and grip:
As you can see in the top “grip is essential for brake” but one thing is always you have to keep in mind, good quality front suspension is previous condition to brake your bike hard. Good braking is a combination of grip, tire and suspension. If your suspension is not so good in quality which means so hard or so soft then we can surely predict that you are going to face accident today or tomorrow.
Front suspension always has to build in the middle, not so soft or hard. If you don't measure it properly then this suspension may throw you to the middle of the road.
Suspension drive:
You know the roll of suspension, whenever you pull the brake front suspension become short to stop the bike properly which we think in the normal sense but the actual matter is, the whole weight of the bike transfer to the front wheel. If your front suspension get old and you push hard your brake then the suspension will reach its maximum level and this is called the “Suspension drive” one thing is good to inform you from your own safety, never push your bikes brake so hard.
There is a matter of weight and speed which you can see in the matter of cars. Where sit belt plays the main roll of safety. There is nothing on the matter of safety in the bike. Thats why you better be careful about this matter.
Never ever try to copy professional stunt, this will be better if you made an high class insurance then you can try this “stoppy” with an old suspension.
Week front suspension:
You cannot made a hard brake with these short of suspension even this will prevent your usual comfort as well. As we have discussed this matter in the top that old suspension never going to feel you safe even you not going to have the control of your bike 100%.
Maximum braking:
we have already mentioned so many theoretical things including weight, grip, suspension and others. Now it is good say about these things that how you are going to apply these in your regular drive:
one thing always you have to keep in mind that “there is no way to stop your bike in a short time then the proper practice” you know the reality, sometime you have to face difficulties more then your expectation. Practice and practice could be the only way to be perfect with your bike.
Start braking with rare brake:
whenever you are on the road with your bike, just keep cool yourself, never be in hurry. Start your braking process from the back wheel but don't push it completely at once. Push it gently and this will divided the pressure of your bike equally in your both wheel.
If you push the brake fully at once then it will be a big damn mistake and you can measure what is going to happen next.
Front brake always later:
If you push your rare brake at first then the whole weight is gone to the front wheel and for this reason maximum of the manufacturer company provide the disc brake in the front wheel. If the companies give the same specification of disc brake in the both wheel then your bikes braking system is heavier which is a matter of proper practice.
Unless you make the practice then it will be very dangerous for you on the road.
The whole design of the braking system made by the manufacturer companies according to the measurement of the driving skills of the riders. Now you can understand, why the companies design the braking system in this way.
As you know by your general sense “in the speed you are running, the hard you have to push your brake” you just have to make a combination of the speed and the weight. When you run first it takes both the speed and weight in the front wheel. And for this reason you have to use both the brakes to stop the bike.
But you have to always keep in mind about the matter of balance. From this point of view you have start your braking from the back wheel and it will be start as to slow down your bike.
What going to happen if you push the brakes at once?
On this matter you may fall from the bike like snatching away for the speed, just keep your head cool when you brake your bike.
Braking systems with the variety of motorbike:
This is very normal to be different from each other where there are lots of brands with different design, chassis and weight of the balance. And for all these reason we cannot say anything about the measurement of braking. From this point of view, we are recommend practice above all. Otherwise you may fall in the accident even you can read your bike properly.
Sometime never ever rare brake:
some bikes like sporty bike designed as the front wheel takes most of the weight as like the sporty bikes. We only transfer the weight by pushing the brake of the rare wheel. But on those bike which designed to opposite of it, here you cannot push the hard brake on a sudden, if you do so then your the rare wheel may reverse.
Thats why, always try to push the brakes gently at first.
Sometime totally rare brake:
As you know that some bikes are designed to carry the weight on the rare wheel as like “Bajaj V15” at the same time, most of the Cruiser bike designed in the same way. One thing is good to say about these bikes that there is a big distance between the front wheel and the rare wheel and for this reason, when you are running with these short of bikes you better keep in mind “always use the rare brake as the only brake” on the matter of sports bike, you have push the rare brake gently cover the whole braking system by the front brake. You never can do so if you have a pillion on your back.
You have to measure the weight of your bike to stop it right way. If you are carrying heavy luggage or pillion with you then you have brake you brake hard to stop it.
At the last we can say, there are no actual rules to stop your bike on the road. Its different in the muddy road, different when you are with the pillion, different in the heavy traffic road but when ever and what ever the situation is.
Proper practice is the only thing which can make you perfect with your bike.