Gear is one of the most important things during motorcycle riding. To maintain the speed limitation besides the throttle gear lever also plays an important role. Today we will discuss about the Motorcycle gear shift patterns. Apart from the automatic gear system, almost every motorcycle contains manual gear shifting system to control the speed by changing gears. Gear changing systems hold opposing views according to dissimilar motorbikes. A quantity of them are low (front gear), a quantity are high (back gear) and some of them will be found with both combination. So without knowing the usual gear shifting patterns sometimes a new bike riding can create problems.
Motorcycle gear lever
Mainly we find two types of gear levers. First one has position to place the leg both front and back side of the lever. This type of lever mostly found at the commuter bikes, they prefer this system the most because no damage will be done at the shoes.

Another lever has only front pressing system and to lift the gear up shoes are needed to place underneath the gear lever. Generally sports bike includes these types of levers the most. Because of these levers scratches can be found at the riding shoes. Usually changing or shifting gear means to lift the gear up or push it down. In our country “Front gear” means to push the gear down and “Back gear “means to lift the gear up.
Few Vespa type scooters include gear changing system at the left hand. This type of method can also be seen by you at the CNG three wheelers.
All down (Front gear)
In our country this system is the most familiar system, because the former Japanese motorcycle includes this gear system. All the gears are down (front gear). All of them need to be pressed at the frond. To neutral or low down the gear, lever needed to be pressed at the upper side or back side.
Every commuter Bajaj motorcycle, Suzuki Hayate, Chinese and Japanese commuter bikes has all down or front gear system.
All up (Back gear)
In our country mainly Indian motorcycle contains this gear system. 4/5 gears can be found and every gear or the lever need to be pressed at the upper side. To neutral or low down the gear, lever need to be pushed at the front side.
Yamaha saluto, Mahindra, TVS and Hero bikes usually contains all up or back gears.
One down (Front gear) rest up (Back gear)
Worldwide this gear pattern is most popular and safe pattern. At this system first gear or the lever is pressed down (front) and the rest or the lever need to push upper side. To neutral, gear lever needs to push back once when the first gear is pressed. According to the Federal regulation1975 genre 49 of United States of America, “motorcycle gear shifter will be placed at the left side of a motorcycle. First gear will be down (front gear) and the rest will be up (back gear)”. Track bike, off road bike and those which are not for American market will not be in the range of this rule. Benefit of this system is, it will not be neutral at the running period which usually seen at the other gear changing system. Problem is most bikers feel difficulty to neutral the bike. Almost every known sports bike holds this gear shifting system.
Last words
Different bikes hold different gear system. To avoid problems and riding any bike in need, it is better to be familiar with all the gear systems.