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Safety tips for riding at thunderbolt


Safety tips for riding at thunderbolt


Report says that people are facing more death in natural calamity like thunder bolt then the heavy flood. Last few days ago report of Red Crescent Society shows that in this year (January - April) 84 people lost their lives due to lighting and by keeping this as one of the concerning matter, Government and others welfare community warning people about what they should do while thunder bolt began to explode. They have indicate the time of April – June as mostly seen thundering. Its really become a concerning matter in these days when number of thunder bolt risen unexpectedly. Here you are going to have some combined tips which can save you a lot while falling in the dangerous calamity like lightning. As we mostly have to be on the road and traffic so here you are going to have all those suggestion to keep you safe.

- First of all, as the report shows that April – June is the mostly dangerous for the lightning so, if you notice any dark cloud in the sky then it would be better to stay at home.
- If you are on the Car then you are safe and you just have to ensure that you are not in touch of any metal object.
- Better to take shelter in building, not in the high tower or something a like.
- When you are at your home and clouds are began to roar but you have to go out emergency basis, then try to use an umbrella which has the handle of plastic or wood same way always prefer gumboots on your foot.
- Avoid empty place like field, avoid to take shelter under the big tree, electric pillar, metal object and others Electricity positive object.

- Don't take shelter under any big tree. Keep the distance at least for 4 meters.

- If you notice any damaged electrical line then keep aloof from it as much as possible.

- Keep a safe distance from any kind of pond or water land.

- If you are on the road with your vehicle then try to take a safe place like a garage or under a concrete celling as much as possible. Never stay on touch with the metal object of your vehicle not even with the glass of your vehicle.

- Better to switch off your cell phone. Don't use your phone during the lightning if you keep those on.

When many of us are adjusted with the bikes and bikers have to face danger mostly during the seasonal natural calamity so you can take a look some tips that we have mentioned. As because the season changing with the flow of time where rain and others calamity like thunder bolt are striking often in day light but we are moving out as our own way. We often have to move with our bike to ensure our daily duty ignoring the rain or others calamity but it is true that we are not so safe when thunder bolt occurs as think about our safety. Here re some tips you can follow which can make you safe from unexpected danger of the thunder when you are riding your bike.

- Use a quality Raincoat, this will enhance your confident to ride your bike same time, enhance the safety. This will keep you safe from the polluted water of the road while passing any heavy vehicle.
- There is no alternate good quality full face helmet. I think each of you are known about the importance why I am mentioning this point.
- Avoid those shoes or sandals which are slippery or hold water.
- Reduce the tyre pressure and this will enhance the grip and ensure the safety.
- Keep on the headlight for proper visibility.
- Never ever cross the speed of 60 kilometer when you are on the wet or muddy road.
- You should noticed the breaking system when those wet on the rainy day. Those just lost their normal performance as like half from their normal. Bike don't even stop after holding the both brakes tightly so I do use Engine brake at first then the others. I think you should also prefer the same while riding on the rainy day.
- While you are on road same time the rain and lightning bigging to explode then you better search for a safe shelter why because, bikes parts are Electricity positive.

Many of us are not adjusted with the Engine break, you may feel irritation at first but you can do it afterwards. There are so many post about the Engine break in the different facebook group. You just have to search those out. Even then I am mentioning here in short: when you are on the speed of 45 – 50 kilometer and you need to slow down your bike, then just loosen the pick up and your bike will slowing down as like your expectation and this system known as the Engine brake. It is better to make thing clear that, this a safe system and your bike Engine is not going to be hamper anyway.

There are no alternate of safety which can be made by yourself . As because we are biker and bike is the most risky vehicle on the road so you have ensure your safety 100%. Next is known by Allah.

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