Some common motorcycle problems and solutions

Usually we can see a motorcycle rider faces many problems during their riding with their bike or sometimes in other time. This type of situations becomes worst when they occurred at the middle of the road. At bellow the lines those problem and their solutions are given which a rider can faced during his riding.
Engine stopped and not starting up
In general this problem is faced b all kind of motorcycle riders that’s why this is a common problem. We can see this problem usually at the winter season and after a long time if someone starts the motorcycle engine this problem occurs. Main reason of this problem is fuel cannot float properly to the engine. By using the carburetor the engine may start at this type of situation. This problem also occurs because of low grade fuel. Check the fuel line of your motorcycle carefully and if there is any problems fix it. If the problem won’t solve then check the spark plug, clean it up then try to start the engine. After doing these if the engine does not start up then there is something wrong with the coil or the engine and to solve this problem you have take your motorcycle to the servicing centre. However if this type of problem you have to face at middle of the road then park your motorcycle somewhere safe. Check the fuel line and remember about the fuel quality. If you maintain high speed constantly with a lower quality or low cc motorcycle then this problem may take place. In that case you engine need some rest and you can also check the spark plug.
Throttle doesn’t responding very well
If you did not get good response from your motorcycles throttle then you need to bear few things in your mind. Main fact which you have to concern about is how you motorcycle carburetor is been tuned up. After that check air filter, fuel filters and spark plug etc other things. If the problem remains then you need to check the fuel quality. These are the facts of throttle response. For your own satisfaction you can check the sparking of you motorcycle. Check the throttle cable and clutch plates. If you watch these things carefully you can solve the problem.
Electrical problems
Electrical problems are also one of the common problems of a motorcycle. Because this part remains open it became damage by the rain water and dust. For the reason of electrical side including the engine, lights, self start all can be stopped. If you want to include cables for anything else make sure that cable is connected properly. Check all the connections of the electrical side. Check you battery regularly along with the acid level of you motorcycle battery. Make sure your coil is working properly because it has a great effect on bike mileage, throttle response etc. do the electrical works at in the daylight. Because to make sure all the thing working properly you need to be very concern about them.
Braking problems
This side is very important side for all kind of vehicle. You need to use your brakes differently in various situations which are a matter of practice. There are two types of braking system available in our country and they are Disc Drum. Another kind of Disc brakes is available which are controlled by hydraulic fuel. Let’s talk about Drum brakes first. If you face a problem based on drum brakes then check the braking cables. If it becomes too much old, in that case change it. You have checked the brake pads also. If your bike contains drum brakes then riding at high speed is not good for your bike. The more you use you brakes the more your brake pads will be damage. Check your wheel are spinning properly or not because of the brakes. At the Disc brake you need to check hydraulic fuel and you have to use only the recommended oils. Check the brakes shoes regularly. Because it s very important element of the brakes.
Vibration at the top speed
Very motorcycle has got a minimum vibration. It is a very common matter there is nothing to worry about it. But if you see you motorcycle is vibrating more than natural vibration then it is a reason to worry about. Vibrating at the top speed is also a common problem for the riders. To prevent this problem you have to check all the body parts of your motorcycle and make sure all of them are well fitted. One of the major points is your seat bolt you have to check its condition. Because of this particular reason we can observe the shock absorbers and suspensions of the motorcycle. If the suspensions are oil based then you need to check the oil level and if there is something wrong solve it. Sometimes motorcycle vibrates if the engine becomes overheated; if it happens then give some rest to recover the engine condition.
Low mileage
At present days fuel cost is increasing and becoming very high for all kind of users, so at this type of situation you need to think about the fuel costs. If you can maintain average speed contently and shift your gears properly you motorcycle will provide you better mileage.
Bike mileage depend on many things, among them engine oil is included. If you will not change the engine oil in time your motorcycle mileage will be reduced. At this purpose carburetor tuning is also an important thing. To solve this problem you can check the clutch plates. You have to make sure that you wheels are moving properly because it may cause you low mileage.
You can take a look cordially by which you can find out some bike problems which I up holed and this information can be helpful to all bike users.