Tips for motorcycle group riding

1. Appointing a captain for the group ride is very necessary and the first work to be done. You can name them whatever you people want, but you need someone to construct decisions among the roads, about the journey destination, time, preparation and other important things. For your better and safety riding in a group all of you will need a organizer to preventing unexpected accidents and other obstacles at the road. Even at the journey time no one should ever pass them, let them lead the way.
2. In a group ride also appoint a tail-end Charlie. He will work as the same way of the group leader but his work is to volunteer. That last rider must know the route as well. Because if you know who the last rider is, and when you know he or she knows the route, it's easier to stop when you don't see the people behind you anymore, you know that the last rider will always be able to bring you home. He will observe the whole group properly and also collect the all contact numbers of the riders for their own safety. Whenever you will return if something dangerous happens or someone splits from the group it will be easier for him for find.
3. Always try to have similar motorcycles and similar riding ability users at the group ride. Because it is quiet impossible to maintain your speed or momentum with 200cc bike, if you are riding a 100cc motorcycle. So do not t mix your bikes because every motorcycle is made for different places, different rates and with different fuel range.
4. In group riding many riders ride at a time. Because of this reason riding side by side can be very dangerous. When you will ride individually then it is fine and it will help you to overtake easily but in group it may cause dangerous accidents. Keep a safe distance from each other.
5. Always be prepared about turning and cornering. In group ride it is very important because In corners, you don't keep a spread out formation: everybody chooses their own line through the corner. So keep in mind that you need to look back and forward then you can turn.
6. In group riding always try to maintain your own speed and for this reason similar riders are much needed. It is one the most important thing at touring with a group. So there is no need to ride faster than other riders try to be comfortable because you cannot left the other riders in a group trip.
7. Look in your mirror for your own and others safety. It is most important thing to remember when you will ride in a group; you have to check your mirrors from time to time, to see whether the riders behind you are still there or not. Sometimes for many reason you can be divided from the group so for extra safety, always check three or four people behind you. Many occurrences may take place at the road, if you see someone is having a problem with the engine, fuel, tire or something like that, at your mirror then stop and inform the others.
8. Always try to make small groups in group riding. Riding in several smaller groups has a big advantage. An ideal number for a group is 5 or 6 riders. They will stick together always and it will be easier to everyone moving forward without having any difficulty. Other members will catch-up or wait for the other groups at some places which will be fixed before the journey starts. As a result no gathering will be created at the road and probability of accidents will be decreased.
9. Try to maintain a safe distance from each other, especially when riding behind the first rider. Because sometimes he or she might suddenly become aware of that he or she should turn left or right, and then a collision will occur immediately. We often see people have a tendency to ride closer onto each other in a group ride whether there are two riders. It is not completely preventable, but you need to keep it in mind for safety.
10. It is your responsibility to maintain all the traffic rules and regulation. So you must hold all the papers your need to carry with your bike. You should keep in mind that you are always responsible for your own behavior, especially for your speed and overtaking tendency when riding in a group.
11. It is very important that you are seen to all so try to be visible always. At the riding period always try to wear vest dresses because it will help you to be detectable in front of others. Do not leave the high ways to overtake or to take shortcuts because suddenly you can be strike by other heavy vehicles.
12. Touring at the unknown places can be dangerous for every single people of the group because no one will be aware about the road conditions, weather situation, about the peoples etc. so it is always better to travel at the well-known routs and places.
13. Always try to restrict the group ride in short distances. Riding such longer distances can create problems and the individual needs will vary too much among each other. In short distances people can manage their needs with each other or those needs can be left. At the long distance it cannot be possible that much.
14. In long ride with a group safety gears are much needed. Every single safety gears helps the rider preventing the accidents or to reduce the consequences of accidents.
15. Accidents come without notice and we all know that. Especially every motorcycles rider is attentive about this thing named accidents. Without accidents riders can be ill at the riding period or other problem may take place. So caring a fast-aid box or medicines will be a good option for all. It can give at least the primary stage treatment. So carry fast-aids at the journey.
Overall it can be said rules, condition and laws are for all. If we break the laws it may give us more fun but not safety. Breaking those rules is not only harmful for us but also for the other peoples surrounded to us. These tips are especially mentioned for short trips, somewhere between50-100 KM. and this distance is very much established for group ride.
Be safe, Always wear helmet.